Seminar: Pressure Vessels - Theory and Design Problems - Oct. 22

Soheil Fatehiboroujeni
Postdoctoral Reseacher, Cornell University
Friday, October 22 | 8:00 a.m. | Zoom Webinar
Abstract: Pressure vessels are closed structures containing liquids or gases under pressure. Familiar examples include fuel tanks, pipes, and pressurized cabins in aircraft and space vehicles. When pressure vessels have walls that are thin in comparison to their overall dimensions, they are included within a more general category known as shell structures. Other examples of shell structures are roof domes, airplane wings, and submarine hulls.
In this lecture we examine the development of stresses and strains in pressure vessels to provide a foundation for the analysis and design of these systems. First, thin-wall shell theory is presented describing the behavior of spherical and cylindrical vessels under internal pressure. We then determine the stresses and strains in the walls of these structures due to the internal pressures from the compressed gases or liquids. We finish the lecture with an activity that helps us evaluate the effect of take-off acceleration on the walls of a pressurized fuel tank.
Bio: Soheil Fatehiboroujeni received his Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from the University of California, Merced in 2018. His doctoral research was focused on computational and nonlinear dynamics of slender structures.
As a postdoctoral researcher at the Cornell University, Sibley School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Soheil is working in the Active Learning Initiative to develop pedagogies that promote student learning using computational tools such as Matlab and ANSYS in engineering classrooms.