- A system of balloon-borne instruments to conduct descending (wake free) measurements of fine-scale turbulence is described, developed as part of an AFOSR Multi-University Research Initiative called HYFLITS (HYpersonic Flight In the Turbulent Stratosphere). The system consists of...
- Jesse SteicherResearch Scientist, Stanford UniversityMonday, Feb. 17 | 10 a.m. | AERO 114Abstract: The design of next-generation, high-speed flight vehicles requires a combination of robust flow simulations and low-uncertainty
- Safety-critical aerospace guidance, navigation, and control (GNC) systems typically rely on physical redundancy to ensure reliability. However, in emerging applications where size, weight, and power constraints limit the...
- Please join Mark Sirangelo as he welcomes Dan Smoot, the CEO of Maxar Intelligence for a discussion of his career, global space data creation and the future of space imagery and imaging technology...
- The Kentucky Re-entry Universal Payload System (KRUPS) provides a quick-turnaround, low-cost platform to conduct atmospheric entry experiments. KRUPS is designed to...
- Smead Aerospace invites you to attend a special workshop on the broad range of career opportunities in aerospace engineering.
- Future Insight Seminar: A talk with the CEO of Ursa Major on the future of space propulsion - Dec. 2Colorado’s company for advanced propulsion systems for space, hypersonics, and national securityDan JablonskyCEO, Ursa MajorMonday, Dec. 2 | 4 P.M. | AERO N250Please join Mark Sirangelo as he welcomes Dan Jablonsky, the CEO of
- Turbulence is a high-dimensional dynamical system with known equations of motion. It can be numerically...
- GPS has evolved into a vital component of our critical infrastructure. Originally developed over 50 years ago as a military navigation system, it has since been...
- In this seminar I will discuss what I have learned from studying the evolution of technology over longer periods of time. This includes how to quantify technological progress correctly...