- Jacky Cai PhD Candidate, Aerospace Engineering, University of Dayton Monday, Nov. 27 | 9:35 a.m. | AERO 232 Abstract: The lecture will focus on the introduction of the aircraft constraint diagram, which is an essential part of the initial aircraft
- Rebecca Mikula PhD Student, Smead Aerospace Friday, Nov. 10 | 10:40 a.m. | AERO 120 Abstract: Interplanetary dust particles can provide insight into the evolution of the solar system, we just need to analyze them. Dust impact ionization mass
- Charles Hoke Senior Lecturer, School of Engineering and Technology, University of New South Wales Tuesday, Nov. 7 | 8:45 a.m. | AERO 114 Abstract: Dr. Charles Hoke will give a talk beginning with a brief overview of his background, teaching
- Tom Schwartzentruber Professor, Dept. of Aerospace Engineering and Mechanics, University of Minnesota Friday, Nov. 3 | 10:40 a.m. | AERO 120 Abstract: Predicting what happens as a hypersonic vehicle flies through the atmosphere involves a lot of
- Panagiotis Tsiotras Professor, School of Aerospace Engineering, Georgia Tech Friday, Oct. 27 | 10:40 a.m. | AERO 120 Abstract: Several industry and government organizations are currently considering autonomous and semi-autonomous spacecraft
- Justin Cyrus CEO, Lunar Outpost Friday, Oct. 20 | 10:40 a.m. | AERO 120 Founder and CEO of Lunar Outpost Inc, Mr. Cyrus has led his company to historic contract wins in the field of space resources and robotics. Recent accomplishments include the
- In this seminar, I will present an overview of the research activities of my group, the CU Aerospace Nanoscale Transport Modeling (CUANTAM) Laboratory. In CUANTAM Laboratory, we design and discover new materials to realize future technologies. Additionally, we discover novel pathways to...
- Shawn Hendricks Chief Operating Officer, Orbit Fab Friday, Sept. 29 | 10:40 a.m. | AERO 120 Abstract: Imagine if every time you ran out of fuel you had to buy a new car? For a satellite that’s the paradigm. Satellites are not and have
- As NASA’s priorities shift toward longer duration flights in deep space microgravity or on the surface of the Moon or Mars, the decrements to human health and performance will be exacerbated. This talk discusses...
- Maryam Shakiba Assistant Professor, Smead Aerospace Friday, Sept. 15 | 10:40 a.m. | AERO 120 Abstract: This presentation discusses computational modeling of complex materials behaviors under multi-physics conditions for Aerospace applications. We