- Casey Swails NASA Deputy Associate Administrator for Business Operations Wednesday, Nov. 16 | 4:00 P.M. | Zoom Webinar Please join Mark Sirangelo as he welcomes Casey Swails, NASA鈥檚 deputy associate administrator for Business Operations for a talk
- Kenny Breuer Professor of Engineering, Brown University Friday, Nov. 4 | 10:40 A.M. | AERO 120 Abstract: Who amongst us has not marveled at flight in nature? While humans have been flying for barely 100 years, insects, birds and bats have ruled
- Chris Koehler Lecturer, Smead Aerospace Friday, Nov. 4 | 9:00 A.M. | AERO 114 Abstract: Speaking in front of an audience is a part of every career path. Yet many individuals (students and professionals) struggle to confidently present to room of
- Marcus Holzinger Associate Professor, Smead Aerospace Thursday, Oct. 20 | 3:00 P.M. | AERO 111 Abstract: The annual space economy is currently $400B, and is expected to grow to $1.2-3T over the next 15-20 years. With this substantial
- John Junkins Distinguished Professor of Aerospace Engineering, Texas A&M University Friday, Oct. 21 | 10:40 A.M. | AERO 120 Abstract: Motivated by a renewed interest in cis-lunar space vehicle operations and other Lunar missions, we consider
- Daniel Porras Director of Strategic Partnerships and Communications, Secure World Foundation Friday, Oct. 14 | 10:40 A.M. | AERO 120 Abstract: With the rate of human space activities rising rapidly, the question of sustainability is becoming more
- Angela Dorsey Technologist in the Near Earth Tracking Systems Group, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory Friday, Oct. 7 | 10:40 A.M. | AERO 120 Abstract: At JPL, there is a long history of developing space flight projects for studying the Earth, the
- Grace Gao Assistant Professor, Dept. of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Stanford University Friday, Sept. 23 | 10:40 A.M. | AERO 120 Abstract: Autonomous vehicles often operate in complex environments with various sensing uncertainties. On Earth,
- Torin Clark Assistant Professor, Smead Aerospace Thursday, Sept. 22 | 3:00 P.M. | AERO 111 Abstract: Modern crewed aerospace vehicles operate in challenging environments, leading to complex and often highly-automated vehicle system designs. My
- John Farnsworth Assistant Professor, Smead Aerospace Thursday, Sept. 15 | 3:00 P.M. | AERO 111 Abstract: The safe flight of small unmanned aircraft or drones in gusty environments, the use of aeroelastically sensitive aircraft for communications