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Nonlinear Waves Seminar - Willy Hereman

Event Description:
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Symbolic Computation of Scaling Invariant Lax Pairs in Operator Form for Completely Integrable Systems

Based on scaling symmetry properties, a direct method to compute Lax pairs in operator form for completely integrable systems will be presented.

By splitting the determining equations for the Lax pair into kinematic and dynamical constraints, the problem can eventually be reduced to solving nonlinear algebraic equations.

The method will be illustrated with well-known examples from soliton theory and applied to a three parameter class of fifth-order KdV-like evolution equations.
Location Information:
1111 Engineering DR
Boulder, CO
Room:Ìý226: Applied Math Conference Room
Contact Information:
Name: Ian Cunningham
Phone: 303-492-4668
Email: amassist@colorado.edu