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Nonlinear Waves Seminar: Nobutaka Nakazono

A periodic reduction of the integrable partial difference equations on the 4-dimensional integer lattice


Date and time:Ìý

Tuesday, April 7, 2015 - 4:30pm


ECOT 226


It is well known that integrable PDEs such as the KdV equation can be reduced to the Painlevé equations via similarity reductions. Moreover, the search for a discrete analogue of similarity reduction, called a periodic reduction from a partial difference equation to a discrete Painleve equation, has been a very active research area.

In this talk, we show how to obtain discrete Painlevé equations from a periodic reduction of a system of partial difference equations on the 4-dimensional integer lattice.

This is joint work with Prof. Nalini Joshi and Dr. Yang Shi from the University of Sydney.