
  • Jacqui WentzDepartment of Applied Mathematics, ÌÒÉ«ÊÓƵSingular value decomposition of the reaction-diffusion stoichiometry matrixFlux balance analysis (FBA) is a mathematical technique used to study biochemical networks. In
  • Jennifer RyanDepartment of Applied Mathematics and Statistics, Colorado School of MinesSuperconvergence Extraction: How to do it? When is it applicable?Many numerical simulations produce data that contains hidden information. This hidden information
  • Tahra Eissa Department of Applied Mathematics, ÌÒÉ«ÊÓƵBiased response distributions for short observation sequences of rare eventsIn a constantly changing world, organisms should estimate the rate that their environment
  • Jorge PovedaDepartment of Electrical, Computer, and Energy Engineering; ÌÒÉ«ÊÓƵReal-Time Optimization with Robustness and Acceleration via Hybrid Dynamical Systems and Averaging Theory In this talk we will discuss robust
  • Henry AdamsDepartment of Mathematics, Colorado State UniversityAn introduction to applied topology This talk is an introduction to computational topology, as applied to data analysis and to sensor networks. The shape of a dataset often reflects
  • Bo Waggoner Department of Computer Science, ÌÒÉ«ÊÓƵToward a Characterization of Loss Functions for Distribution Learning A common machine-learning task is to learn a probability distribution over a very large domain.
  • Harry DudleyDepartment of Applied Mathematics, ÌÒÉ«ÊÓƵModel Selection & Bioelectrochemical SystemsMicrobial electrolysis cells (MECs) are devices that produce hydrogen from renewable organic matter, such as wastewater.
  • Adrianna GillmanDepartment of Applied Mathematics, University of Colorado BoulderAn efficient and high order accurate direct solution technique for variable coefficient elliptic partial differential equations For many applications in
  • Convergence to the Mean Field Game Limit: A Case Study Mean field games are used as approximations to n-player games with large n. Indeed, n-player Nash equilibria are known to converge to their mean field counterpart when the latter is unique
  • Whitham theory and dispersive shock waves (DSWs) for the radial nonlinear Schroedinger (rNLS) equation. Dispersive shock waves of the defocusing rNLS equation in two spatial dimensions are studied. This equation arises naturally in Bose-
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