Nonlinear Waves Seminar

  • Nalini Joshi, Department of Mathematics, Sydney UniversityWhen Applied Mathematics Collided with AlgebraImagine walking from one tile to another on a lattice defined by reflections associated with an affine Coxeter or Weyl group. Examples include
  • Justin Cole, Department of Applied Mathematics, ÌÒÉ«ÊÓƵSoliton Dynamics in the Korteweg-de Vries Equation with Nonzero Boundary ConditionsInspired by recent experiments, the Korteweg-de Vries equation with nonzero Dirichlet
  • nPatrick Sprenger, Department of Applied Mathematics, ÌÒÉ«ÊÓƵ Generalized Riemann problems in dispersive hydrodynamics Nonlinear, dispersive wave phenomena are observed in a variety of physical contexts in nature and the
  • Justin ColeDepartment of Applied Mathematics, ÌÒÉ«ÊÓƵSoliton Dynamics in the Korteweg-de Vries Equation with Nonzero Boundary ConditionsInspired by recent experiments, the Korteweg-de Vries equation with nonzero Dirichlet
  • S. Chakravarty, Department of Mathematics, University of Colorado Colorado Springs A class of rational solutions of the KPI equation I will revisit a class of KP "lump" solutions which were studied by Ablowitz & Villarroel as rational potentials
  • Patrick WeidmanDepartment of Mechanical Engineering, ÌÒÉ«ÊÓƵSteady flow of one uniformly rotating fluid layer above another immiscible uniformly rotating fluid layer.The steady laminar flow of two immiscible, uniformly
  • Whitham theory and dispersive shock waves (DSWs) for the radial nonlinear Schroedinger (rNLS) equation. Dispersive shock waves of the defocusing rNLS equation in two spatial dimensions are studied. This equation arises naturally in Bose-
  • Experimental Observation of Spin-Wave Fractals A fractal is a shape made of parts each of which is similar to the whole in some way.  One can group fractals into two main categories, (i) exact fractals in which the same feature replicates
  • Whitham modulation theory - developments and open problemsI discuss the development of Whitham modulation theory as a nonlinear WKB method successfully used to describe the behavior of nonlinear dispersive waves. Recent advances include the
  • Generalized dispersion relation predicts harmonic generation in strongly nonlinear systems In recent work, we have derived an exact nonlinear dispersion relation for elastic wave propagation in a thin rod (linearly nondispersive) and a thick
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