Undergraduate Course Description
- Designed as a practicum, this course will introduce students to research and practice in museum anthropology, utilizing our extensive anthropology collections in the CU Museum of Natural History. Students will conduct subject matter and collections
- Current popular, official and academic representations of Islam in the US frequently circulate two fundamentally opposite attributes of the religion and its associated culture: either Islam is provincial and hyper-traditional, or it is
- This is a demanding upper-level cultural (and medical) anthropology course designed for advanced undergraduate and early graduate students interested in the intersections of science and the production of knowledge, the practice of medicine,
- In this hands-on ethnographic research course, advanced anthropology students will learn how to use anthropological methodologies to collaboratively investigate social problems and positively impact society. We will develop a model of
- Who counts as an expert? This course will examine expertise as a cultural category through an exploration of the processes by which certain individuals and groups are accorded intellectual authority, while the knowledge claims of others are
- This course seeks to ground students鈥 understanding of contemporary Cuba within the global context. How do those outside the island imagine Cuba and why? What are the realities? In a world of U.S. dominated globalization, we have only
- Archaeozoology will give students practical and analytical skills in the identification and analysis of animal bones from archaeological sites. Students in the course will engage with current methodological and theoretical issues in the discipline,
- Instructor: Bailey Duhe虂 Who invented race? Do police really target communities of color? Are race and ethnicity the same thing? Is white privilege bad? If you鈥檝e asked any of these questions and want a space to work through the answers, ANTH 4020:
- Maymester 2021 Professor Laura DeLuca ADVENTURING AS AN ARMCHAIR ANTHROPOLOGIST Education Abroad鈥檚 Conservation & Indigenous Peoples in Tanzania Global Seminar is going virtual this summer! Students on
- ANTH 4760 Ethnography of Southeast Asia Professor Carla Jones Join us as we discover the anthropological scholarship on Southeast Asia, a region with some of the highest ethnic, linguistic, and cultural diversity in the world. From the Buddhist