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In this regard, I would like to request your help in our evaluation of Professor ________________ I hope you will find the time to give us your impressions. Your statements will be used only as part of this review process. The statements are considered confidential under the policies of the University and are not subject to disclosure under the Colorado Open Records Act, except as otherwise may be required by court order or by law. I therefore hope you will be quite candid in your comments. In evaluating Professor ____________________________, please refer to your observations of their teaching and their dossier (syllabi, assignments, Teaching Statement, FCQs, peer observations, class interviews, student letters, etc.). Please try to cover each of the following points: The quality and quantity of the candidate's teaching record. The main contributions of their work. The degree of creativity and originality of their work. How does the candidate compare with others in this field with similar training and experience? The quality and quantity of the candidate's service record. (if applicable) The quality and quantity of the candidate's scholarly/creative work record. (if applicable) The Boulder campus criteria for promotion to full Teaching/Clinical Professor require that the successful candidate exhibit: A record, which, taken as a whole, is judged to be a record of distinction which carries the expectation that the individual has made a major impact in the disciplinary unit (e.g., on pedagogy and curriculum) and on its students, typically one that extends to considerable impact on the campus generally, and a role in national or international discussions related to the individuals focus of teaching or related to curriculum and/or pedagogy. Units can interpret the mix of campus and beyond campus contributions in ways that reflect the nature of the unit/discipline and the work the candidate has been asked to perform. A record since promotion to Teaching/Clinical Associate Professor that indicates substantial, significant, and continued growth, development, and accomplishment in teaching, service (if applicable), and scholarly/creative work (if applicable). Please indicate your general area of expertise within the field of ________________________ and briefly describe the focus of your current research. (A copy of your CV is required.) Please indicate the nature of your past and/or present relationship with the candidate. Enclosed you will find a copy of Professor _______________________________ promotion dossier. I can assure you that your comments will play a significant role in our process. Accordingly, it is with sincere appreciation that I thank you in advance for your help. We would like to have your reply as soon as possible, but not later than ____________________. Sincerely, TEMPLATE EXTERNAL REVIEWER SOLICITATION LETTER FOR PROMOTION TO Teaching/clinical ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR (substantive modifications to the template must be approved by the Vice Provost and Associate Vice Chancellor for Faculty Affairs) Introductory Paragraph The Department of _______ at the ɫƵ is in the process of considering the candidacy of Professor for promotion to Teaching/Clinical Associate Professor. As part of our review process for making personnel decisions, we contact distinguished members of our profession who are known as esteemed educators. We are interested in receiving a thoughtful evaluation of the candidate's performance in the area of teaching/clinical work. The normative time at rank for Teaching/Clinical Assistant Professors at the University of Colorado is for six years, excluding stops due to events such as impacts related to the COVID-19 pandemic, medical leaves, or parental leaves. Professor started in [insert the year here; it may be the year listed in the letter of offer or 1-3 years before they started at ɫƵ, depending on whether their offer letter notes that they have been granted (1, 2, or 3) years of credit]. While the teaching/clinical record, service, scholarly/creative work completed over a candidates full career certainly contributes to their reputation in the field and the overall impact of their work, we ask that reviewers focus their review on the quantity and quality of the candidates teaching/clinical record, service (if applicable), and scholarly/creative work (if applicable) during the probationary period. Standards and Criteria Promotion to Teaching/Clinical Associate Professor should include criteria for meeting the standard of excellent in teaching or clinical work. Excellence and Effectiveness typically carry the expectation that the individual has made significant contributions to pedagogy, curriculum and student learning, in the classroom and for the primary unit. While the University of Colorado sets the standards for promotion, the primary unit must establish written criteria for promotion within the teaching/clinical track, as appropriate to the unit. Please review these criteria and take them into consideration when performing your evaluation. Promotion of non-tenure-track faculty on the instructor/clinical track is not mandatory, nor is it a right. There is no expectation that promotion will occur at a particular point in the individuals career, nor is there an expectation that each such individual should seek promotion. If an individual seeks promotion and is not approved, that decision has no implications for the individuals current position and status, and that individual may be considered again for promotion at a later date. Attachments Attached you will find a copy of Professor s curriculum vitae, teaching portfolio, samples of their scholarly/creative work (if applicable), and their statements on teaching, leadership and service, and scholarly/creative work (if applicable) [add pandemic impact statement if it is being included]. Also attached is a copy of the criteria for achieving promotion in the [insert name of home department or program here] at the ɫƵ. Instructions on External Letter Content In evaluating Professor , please consider the following: The quality and quantity of the candidate's teaching record. The main contributions of their work. The degree of creativity and originality of their work. How does the candidate compare with others in this field with similar training and experience? The quality and quantity of the candidate's service record. (if applicable) The quality and quantity of the candidate's scholarly/creative work record. (if applicable) Your letter will be used only as part of this review process. The statements are considered confidential under the policies of the University and are not subject to disclosure under the Colorado Open Records Act, except as otherwise may be required by court order or by law. I therefore hope you will be quite candid in your comments. Reviewer Background In your letter, please indicate your general area of expertise within the field of , briefly describe the focus of your current scholarly/creative work, and provide a copy of your CV along with your letter. Also, please indicate the nature of your relationship with the candidate. Letters from the candidates mentors and close collaborators are not permitted. Closing Paragraph I can assure you that your comments will play a significant role in our review process. Accordingly, it is with sincere appreciation that I thank you in advance for your help. Please provide your reply by . Sincerely,     #@DHIR\   ( ) 2 G I P V W y ۼteeeYtJYYh Jh:POJQJ^JaJh JOJQJ^JaJh Jh JOJQJ^JaJh Jh@4OJQJ^JaJh,QOJQJ^JaJhOJQJ^JaJ h Jh JCJOJQJ^JaJh Jh:P6OJQJ^JaJh Jh J6OJQJ^JaJh>*CJOJQJ^JaJ#h Jh:P>*CJOJQJ^JaJ#h Jh J>*CJOJQJ^JaJ#\  1ipqeYZ & Fgd & Fgd2gd2 & Fgd! & Fgd$gd$gd J$a$gd Jgd J  , 4 5 > @ ^ ` k         ! 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