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Spring Housekeeping: Add ASSETT Activities to Your FRPA!

With the new year upon us, it is time to submit your FRPA! When updating your information, don鈥檛 forget to include your participation in ASSETT programs, services, and initiatives.

The Faculty Report of Professional Activities (FRPA), due February 1 of each year, documents a faculty member鈥檚 activities in the areas of teaching, creative work, scholarly work, and service during the preceding calendar year. To make this task just a little bit easier, ASSETT has collaborated with staff from the Office of Faculty Affairs to suggest some ways you might classify your involvement in our most popular offerings as well as those offered elsewhere within the Office of Information Technology (OIT).

The list below is intended to provide general guidance to help you get started. However, faculty should use their discretion when choosing FRPA activity codes. For example, one of the most frequent questions posed to ASSETT staff is, 鈥淪hould I report this workshop as service or teaching?鈥 Efforts that are more directly student-related tend to be classified as teaching, but departments and programs often have their own conventions. When in doubt, consult with your department chair or personnel committee for assistance.听

For further instructions and answers to frequently asked questions, visit the Faculty Information System鈥檚 FRPA Help page.


Relevant Codes

Accessibility training

340, 640

Advisory groups, panels, or pilot projects



308, 310

Canvas training



308, 310, 340, 399, 640

Course Design Workshop


Faculty Fellows

429, 605, 702

Innovation Incubator

429, 499, 606, 607, 702

Special Interest Groups (SIGs)

399, 640

Student Technology Consultants


Summer Book Club


Universal Design for Learning

308, 310, 340, 640

Visualizing Instructional Practices service


FRPA Activity Code

Examples of Relevant Activities

Tips & Suggestions

310 Major Revision of Existing Course (including new use of technology)

Adapting a face-to-face course to a flipped, online, or hybrid format

Migrating a course from D2L to Canvas

Implementing a new technology in your course (e.g., BuffsCreate)

Redesigning a course using ideas and techniques from ASSETT鈥檚 Summer Course Design Workshop

Redesigning a course to implement Universal Design for Learning

Whether an activity is considered 鈥渃urriculum development鈥 (code 308) or a 鈥渃ourse revision鈥(code 310) is left to faculty discretion. Consult with your department for guidance.

340 Diversity Activities Related to Teaching (including participation in efforts to support a more diverse student body)

Participation in workshops or consultations on Universal Design for Learning

Participation in workshops or consultations on improving accessibility

This code can apply to any efforts that address an element of 鈥渄iversity,鈥 as defined by ODECE, and may include attendance at events where visible faculty support promotes student inclusion (e.g., Lavender Graduation).

416 Presentations, Talks, Colloquia, etc. (not listed under 415)

Co-facilitating a training or workshop with ASSETT or OIT staff

This is a very broad code. Faculty can provide additional context or explanation of their activities in the accompanying comment box.

429 Other Grants or Fellowships Awarded (describe)

Selection to ASSETT Faculty Fellows, ASSETT Innovation Incubator, or similar competitive programs

These activities could be assigned to code 702: School or College Honor instead.

499 Other Scholarly Work听

Deliverables related to the Innovation Incubator that are NOT listed elsewhere (e.g., white papers, learning objects, open educational resources)

602 Contributed Consulting Activities

Participation in committees, panels, or advisory groups to provide input on technology tools

Participation in pilot projects conducted by OIT

These activities could be assigned to code 607: Campus Service instead.

605 Department, Unit or Institute (service activity)听

Faculty Fellows culminating project deliverables

606 School or College (service activity)听

Ongoing participation in Innovation Incubator project teams

Code 607: Campus Service may be used instead, depending on the nature of the team鈥檚 specific project.

640 Professional Development Activities (including programs such as LEAP, FTEP, PI Academy and ELP)

Participation in ASSETT trainings and workshops

Participation in ASSETT Special Interest Groups (SIGs) or Summer Book Clubs

Participation in OIT trainings and workshops (e.g., Canvas training)

Utilizing the Visualizing Instructional Practices (VIP) service

Most training activities are reported using this code.

Acknowledgments: ASSETT thanks Kristina Eklund and Matt Ramey (Office of Faculty Affairs) and Viktoriya Oliynyk (Office of Information Technology) for ideas and information contributed to this article.