CU President /bfa/ en BFA Assembly Votes to Support CUSG "Concealed Carry Ban" at October Meeting /bfa/2022/10/07/bfa-assembly-votes-support-cusg-concealed-carry-ban-october-meeting BFA Assembly Votes to Support CUSG "Concealed Carry Ban" at October Meeting Anonymous (not verified) Fri, 10/07/2022 - 09:35 Categories: BFA News Tags: BFA Assembly CU President Common Curriculum Faculty faculty governance

At the October 6, 2022 BFA General Assembly meeting, members voted to support the . The measure was introduced at the September meeting for review and at last night's meeting members voted 46 in favor, 1 opposed, and 1 abstention to approve BFA support. CUSG will formally introduce the resolution to the Regents this month. 

The meeting began with a conversation with C.U. President Todd Saliman who spoke with members regarding several areas including faculty salary and pay issues and inflation, state funding and outreach issues that impact C.U.'s budget, and the importance of belonging for all campus members. There was also discussion related to the cost of the C.U. football coach contract buyout, athletics revenue impacts from a possible conference change and the large outstanding debt held by C.U. Boulder athletics. 

There were also presentations by Katherine Eggert, Sr. Vice Provost and A.V.C. of Academic Planning and Assessment along with Daryl Maeda, Dean and Vice Provost of Undergraduate Education regarding the proposed Common Curriculum. The final proposal by the Common Curriculum committee was submitted to Provost Moore on Thursday, and will be on the committee's webpage soon. Along with faculty approval from each college and school (except Law), BFA representatives will also vote on the proposal per Regent Law requirements of faculty approval of curriculum. The BFA will be hosting a special session on Thursday, October 20 from 4-5 pm via Zoom to delve deeper into the proposal and it's impacts for implementation. The session will be open to all campus faculty. More information will be posted on the BFA website and sent to BFA representatives. BFA Chair Tiffany Beechy introduced BFA-R-3-100222 A Resolution Concerning a Campus Common Curriculum. The resolution will be under review for thirty days and is scheduled for a vote at the BFA November 3rd General Assembly meeting. 

Janet Casagrand, Chair of Administrative Services & Technology Committee (ASTC) along with Orrie Gartner, A.V.C and Deputy CIO updated members on several tech issues that impact faculty including: 

  • Delays of 1-2 days for test scoring turnaround at the Student Testing Center due to staff shortages. Members were encouraged to leave test materials with managers only. 
  • OIT transition from . The ASTC has worked with Orrie to create an .
  • - the BFA has held several sessions on this issue last spring. OIT has a to help campus members review their personal data useage and . For those using mjore than 5GB of storage, OIT is asking faculty to delete any unnecessary items in advance of upcoming to OneDrive. The Google imposed deadline is December 31, 2022. 

Rolf Norgaard, Chair of the Instructor Track Faculty Affairs Committee (ITFAC) introduced to pieces of legislation to members. The first motion will formally change the committee name to Teaching Faculty Affairs Committee (TFAC) along with some small updates in membership and language. Additionally, the committee is introducing a resolution to require campus units to pay a salary increment to base upon promotion to teaching faculty. Members are asked to share both items with their constituents and are under review for thirty days. Any feedback, questions, etc. can be emailed to or 

The meeting was extended by ten minutes in order for a final presentation by Lori Call, AVC Government and Community Outreach, and Derek Silva, AVC Business Strategy on the upcoming referendum for ĚŇÉ«ĘÓƵ South. The presentation was on the project history only since CU is not allowed to lobby around the measure. Call and Silva encouraged membes to review information provided on the upcoming referendum for full details.


The BFA General Assembly's next meeting is on Thursday, November 3, 2022 from 4-5:30 via Zoom. A meeting summary is sent to members the Tuesday following Assembly, and Meeting Minutes are sent the last Friday of the month. For any questions on BFA business or for BFA Chair Tiffany Beechy, please email:


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Fri, 07 Oct 2022 15:35:32 +0000 Anonymous 3231 at /bfa
BFA Names Faculty Nominees for CU Presidential Search Committee /bfa/2021/10/26/bfa-names-faculty-nominees-cu-presidential-search-committee BFA Names Faculty Nominees for CU Presidential Search Committee Anonymous (not verified) Tue, 10/26/2021 - 10:48 Categories: BFA News Tags: 2021 CU President Search BFA CU President Faculty faculty governance


The BFA Executive Committee has named four faculty nominees for the ĚŇÉ«ĘÓƵ faculty seat on the CU Presidential Search Committee.

  • Max Boykoff, Professor and Director of Environmental Studies; Institute Fellow, CIRES. Max leads the Media and Climate Change Observatory (MeCCO) while he leads the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) Colorado Local Science Engagement Network and co-Directs 'Inside the Greenhouse'
  • David Korevaar, Distinguished Professor of Music, Helen and Peter Weil Professor of Piano, and Chair of the Roser Piano and Keyboard Program of the College of Music
  • David Paradis, Teaching Professor of History; Secretary, Faculty Council
  • Emily Yeh, Professor of Geography and President of the American Association of Geographers

The Board of Regents will be reviewing all search committee nominees and announce the final search committee members in November. Regent Lesley Smith was announced on September 10, 2021 as Chair of the search committee. A decision on co or vice chair is pending. 


The search committee membership includes:

  • At least two regents
  • 1 dean
  • 4 faculty (one from each campus) with distinguished records of achievement
  • 2 students (one undergraduate and one graduate)
  • 2 staff
  • 2 alumni/ae
  • 1 CU Board of Foundation member
  • 4 community members


For full information on regarding the Presidential search process and related Regent Policies see links below:

 (please also see recently approved changes to )

For questions regarding the faculty nomination, please contact BFA Chair Tiffany Beechy. For all other questions, please see the on the CU Presidential Search webpage. 



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Tue, 26 Oct 2021 16:48:12 +0000 Anonymous 2965 at /bfa
BFA Chair & Chair-Elect Statement on President Kennedy May 5, 2021 /bfa/2021/05/10/bfa-chair-chair-elect-statement-president-kennedy-may-5-2021 BFA Chair & Chair-Elect Statement on President Kennedy May 5, 2021 Anonymous (not verified) Mon, 05/10/2021 - 15:11 Categories: BFA News Tags: BFA CU Board of Regents CU President Faculty Kennedy faculty governance


May 10, 2021


To Whom It May Concern:

The Boulder Faculty Assembly welcomes the news that President Mark Kennedy will work with the University of Colorado Board of Regents to bring about an orderly transition of the University’s presidency in the near future.  In October 2018, in response to a request from the Board of Regents, the BFA Executive Committee prepared a statement, “Attributes that Should Guide the Selection of the Next CU President,” and we are more certain now than we were then that what we called for has been and will continue to be relevant.  When the time comes, the BFA believes that it will be in the best interest of all four campuses of the CU system that the faculty have a robust role in the search for a new leader. 



Bob Ferry

BFA Chair


Tiffany Beechy

BFA Chair-Elect


See the official PDF statement here


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Mon, 10 May 2021 21:11:40 +0000 Anonymous 2697 at /bfa
Attributes For Selecting the Next CU President /bfa/2018/10/04/attributes-selecting-next-cu-president Attributes For Selecting the Next CU President Anonymous (not verified) Thu, 10/04/2018 - 00:00 Categories: BFA News Tags: BFA CU President

The Boulder Faculty Assembly thanks the Board of Regents for inviting comment about the “leadership/professional attributes [we] believe our next president should possess.”  In offering our comments below, we also wish to thank President Benson for his years of dedicated service.

The Boulder Faculty Assembly, drawing on broad discussions over the last year regarding the future of our campus and the university, supports the selection of a President who:

  • Fights for public education.

We seek a CU president who unabashedly fights for “the public good” in public higher education.  Such a fight begins but by no means ends with securing state funding and with good ongoing relations with the governor and state legislature.  Fighting for the public good requires that the president take an active public-facing role in communicating with our citizens, helping them recognize both the value to our civil society of a liberal education and the contributions that CU-Boulder extends to Colorado, and the world.

  • Seeks affordability for all students.

We seek a president who, as leader of a public university, is committed to affordability and access.  These values require the president to seek public support for public funding, even as he or she works diligently to raise funds from supporters of the university who are themselves agents of the public good. To be a great public university, we must welcome and serve the public.

  • Emphasizes the valuable impact of public engagement and scholarship.

We seek a president who not only supports cutting-edge research and engaged teaching, but also advocates that the fruits of discovery should have a considerable impact on public understanding and civic engagement.  Public-facing scholarship enhances mutual understanding and trust, constantly renewing the reservoirs of citizen support for the work of public higher education. 

  • Supports and has common bonds with the faculty, who, through their inquiry, teaching, and service, express core academic values and function as the engine driving the university.

We seek a president who understands the faculty and their commitments to core academic values, and in turn motivates the faculty to greater excellence.  Although the regents, the president, and administrative leaders can help chart the way, the faculty are the true engines of our collective success, and they deserve a president who honors their work.

  • Endorses and respects the outcomes of a robust system of shared faculty governance. 

We seek a president who supports the important role of faculty in the work of a public university, and who commits to and respects a robust system of shared faculty governance (at various levels) that ensures the collaborative role of faculty in setting policy and making decisions.

  • Encourages campus efforts to explore and offer new educational models, as appropriate to each campus’s mission.

We seek a president who appreciates how new educational models can build on and invigorate the existing strengths of the university.  Such new models include a strong commitment to interdisciplinarity and the appropriate use of technologies—in and beyond our current classrooms—to better reach students. 

  • Commits to transparency and effective communication and collaboration with faculty and other stakeholders, both in and beyond the university community.

We seek a president who appreciates that trust is born of transparency, and who endeavors to communicate clearly and honestly with all stakeholders.  The trust that follows from these efforts is what forges the collaboration necessary to achieve the university’s mission.

  • Supports and enacts a commitment to inclusive excellence as a core value that undergirds all that we do.

We seek a president who understands that our diversity is our strength, and that inclusion provides a path to true excellence.Such an understanding needs to be wed to a commitment to act on such values.

  • Works as a visionary who can bring stakeholders together in common cause, drawing on the distinctive strengths and missions of the various campuses and their constituencies.

We seek a president who can communicate and realize a vision born of the aspirations of those in our university community.  Such a leader brings people together precisely because he or she is a listener, and can tap into and leverage our collective and often diverse ideas, talents, and experiences. 


See the complete statement here


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Thu, 04 Oct 2018 06:00:00 +0000 Anonymous 1833 at /bfa