2022 CritÂiÂcal LanÂguage ScholÂarÂship - due 11/16
The appliÂcaÂtion for the 2022 CritÂiÂcal LanÂguage ScholÂarÂship (CLS) ProÂgram is open! CLS welÂcomes AmerÂiÂcan stuÂdents to apply now to learn a critÂiÂcal forÂeign lanÂguage next sumÂmer on a fulÂly-fundÂed study abroad program.
The appliÂcaÂtion is now live and availÂable online at:
AppliÂcaÂtions are due TuesÂday, NovemÂber 16, 2021 by 8:00pm EST.
The CLS ProÂgram is an intenÂsive overÂseas lanÂguage and culÂturÂal immerÂsion proÂgram for AmerÂiÂcan stuÂdents enrolled at U.S. colÂleges and uniÂverÂsiÂties. StuÂdents spend eight to ten weeks abroad studyÂing one of 15 critÂiÂcal lanÂguages. The proÂgram includes intenÂsive lanÂguage instrucÂtion and strucÂtured culÂturÂal enrichÂment expeÂriÂences designed to proÂmote rapid lanÂguage gains. Most lanÂguages offered by the CLS ProÂgram (9 of 15) do not require appliÂcants to have any expeÂriÂence studyÂing critÂiÂcal languages.Ìý
CLS is a proÂgram of the U.S. DepartÂment of State, and part of a wider govÂernÂment iniÂtiaÂtive to expand the numÂber of AmerÂiÂcans studyÂing and masÂterÂing forÂeign lanÂguages that are critÂiÂcal to nationÂal secuÂriÂty and ecoÂnomÂic prosÂperÂiÂty. CLS plays an imporÂtant role in preparÂing stuÂdents for the 21st cenÂtuÂry’s globÂalÂized workÂforce and increasÂing nationÂal competitiveness.Ìý
The CLS ProÂgram offers instrucÂtion in the folÂlowÂing lanÂguages: AraÂbic, AzerÂbaiÂjani, Bangla, ChiÂnese, HinÂdi, IndoneÂsian, JapanÂese, KoreÂan, PerÂsian, PorÂtuguese, PunÂjabi, RussÂian, Swahili, TurkÂish, and Urdu.Ìý
Resources for adviÂsors are availÂable on the CLS site at: Ìý
The CLS ProÂgram will host freÂquent webiÂnaÂrs, Q&A sesÂsions, and alumÂni panÂels for stuÂdents and adviÂsors throughÂout the fall. A full calÂenÂdar of these events and corÂreÂspondÂing regÂisÂtraÂtion links is availÂable on our web site at:
If you have any quesÂtions, please send them to: cls@americancouncils.org