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Call for Proposals 2022 Berkeley Conference for First Projects in Chinese History

September 8-10, 2022
University of California, Berkeley

The Berkeley Conference for First Projects in Chinese History will hold its inaugural meeting September 8-10, 2022 at the University of California, Berkeley. The Berkeley Conference for First Projects in Chinese History brings together very early career scholars (pre-PhD) who plan to attend graduate school in Chinese history, offering a platform for budding scholars to present and discuss research-in-progress. The aim is to provide a welcoming and stimulating environment for exploring ideas and questions that animate scholars of a new generation. Undergraduates about to begin the senior year, recent graduates not yet admitted into a graduate program, and students enrolled in a terminal master’s program are invited to submit proposals. The LKSF Program in Modern Chinese History, Department of History will cover the costs of economy airfare from within the continental United States, two nights of shared lodging, and meals during the conference.  

Interested students should submit the following materials to first_projects_conference@berkeley.edu by June 10 as a single .pdf document: a description of the current research project (up to 400 words) that includes a statement concerning how much more research (if any) is to be conducted this summer; and plans for graduate school (not to exceed 200 words). Include the following information in the document: name of the author, author's institutional affiliation, author's academic status (undergraduate student in senior year or graduate student enrolled in a program leading to a master's degree), project title, keywords, and short description. In addition, a brief letter of support from a faculty member is to be sent to first_projects_conference@berkeley.edu under separate cover.

We encourage students of all backgrounds and all academic fields to submit proposals related to any period of Chinese history.


- Any student currently enrolled in an undergraduate program at any institution who will begin their senior year in Fall 2022
- Any recent graduate from an undergraduate program who (as of the date of submission) has not been admitted into a graduate program
- Any student enrolled in a terminal master’s program who (as of the date of submission) has not been admitted into a program leading to a Ph.D. degree

Key dates:  

- Proposals due June 10
- Final paper due August 26
- Conference dates: September 8-10

Contact information: first_projects_conference@berkeley.edu