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Anthropology TT job -- South Asia / South Asian Diaspora at Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, Canada

Anthropology / South Asia or South Asian Diaspora and migration, race or health


ANTHROPOLOGY–– Simon Fraser University, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Department of Sociology and Anthropology––invites applications for a full-time tenure-track appointmentinAnthropologyattherankofAssistantProfessor,tocommenceJuly15,2025.We acknowledgetheSquamish(Sḵwx̱wú7meshÚxwumixw),Musqueam(xwməθkwəy̓əm),Tsleil- Waututh (səlilwətaɬ), Katzie, and Kwikwetlem peoples, on whose traditional territories Simon Fraser University's three campuses stand. By recognizing the Unceded Traditional Coast Salish territories, we aspire to create space for reconciliation through dialogue and decolonizingpractices.


The department is seeking an emergent scholar with expertise in the anthropology of race, migration,orhealthwithafocusonSouthAsia/SouthAsiandiaspora.Wewillgivepreferenceto candidates with a PhD in Anthropology.Applicants should indicate how their active research programs enhance the areas of specialization in our unit (see:anthropology/research/faculty-research-areas.html). The successful candidate will have experience teaching a diverse student body, experience teaching in multi-modal formats, and use innovative approaches to student assessment. Excellence in research and teaching are theprimary criteria for this position.

ApplicantsmusthaveearnedtheirPhDbytheappointmentstartdateorshortlythereafter.PhD candidates with solid indication of imminent completion may be hired at the rank of Instructor and will be promoted to the rank of Assistant Professor upon completion of the PhD.


The successful candidate will be expected to contribute to the University’s research excellence througharigorousresearchprogram.Thesuccessfulapplicantwillteacharangeofanthropology courses (in person and online), including in the core curriculum (introduction to anthropology, anthropology and contemporary life, ethnography and research methods), as well as supervise graduate students. Finally, it is expected that the successful candidate will contribute to the Department, Faculty, University, and the academic community through service.


a statement of teaching philosophy that includes the applicant’s perspective on teaching a diversestudentbody;approachtoteachinginmulti-modalformats(facultymustpreparecourses in various formats, including online courses); approach to student assessment; teaching evaluations; one full syllabus from a past course; examples of new courses they could develop for our joint department; and approach to graduate supervision.



Dr.WendyChan,ChairoftheDepartmentofSociologyandAnthropology c/o Assistant to the Chair, email:sachrsec@sfu.ca

𱹾ǴdzٱپDzԲɾ𲵾DzٴDz4,2024andcontinueuntiltheposition is filled.

Faculty salaries at SFU are based on the salary scales defined by the collective agreement between the University and the SFU Faculty Association. A reasonable estimate of the salary rangeattheAssistantProfessorrankis$104,700to$133,322.Inaddition,areasonableestimate for salary range if the successful candidate will be starting as an Instructor is $98,340 to


All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadian citizens and permanent residents will be given priority. Simon Fraser University is an institution whose strength is based on our shared commitments to diversity, equity and inclusion. Diversity is an underlying principle of our Strategic Vision, which pledges SFU to “foster a culture of inclusion and mutual respect, celebrating thediversity reflected among its students, faculty, staff and our community.” SFU is committed to ensuring no individual is denied access to employment opportunities for reasonsunrelatedtoabilityorqualifications.Consistentwiththisprinciple,SFUwilladvancethe interests of underrepresented members of the work force, including Indigenous peoples, persons withdisabilities,racializedpersonsandwomen;embracegenderandsexualdiversity;ensurethat equal opportunity is afforded to all who seek employment at the University; and treat all employees equitably. Candidates that belong to underrepresented groups are particularly encouraged to apply.

UndertheauthorityoftheUniversityAct,personalinformationthatisrequiredbytheUniversity for academic appointment competitions will be collected. For further details see:https://