Bulletin Board
- Penn State is now accepting applications for a PPFP Postdoctoral Fellowship in Asian Diaspora Studies/Asian American Studies. Deadline is December 1. For more information, please visit: https://www.ppfp.psu.edu/.
- THI members Natalie Avalos and Dawa Lokyitsang are both featured speakers in a Tibet & Himalaya Lecture series on "Decolonzing Himalayan Studies" through Humboldt University. The Zoom link to register is: https://hu-berlin.zoom.us/meeting/
- This talk explores the sociopolitical implications of what Xu Jianwei 徐建委 terms the “Textual Revolution” of the Western Han (202 BCE–9 CE). Under the helm of Liu Xiang 劉向 (79/78–8BCE) and Liu Xin 劉歆 (46 BCE–23 CE), scribes and scholars of the Han
- Geography Department Colloquium – Oct 22 @ 3:30pm Gugg 205 Nishant Upadhyay: Spaces of Extraction, Proximities, and Complicities: Indians and Canadian Settler ColonialismPlease see our website for the abstract and the latest information
- CALL FOR PAPERSSOUTHEAST CONFERENCE OF THE ASSOCIATION FOR ASIAN STUDIES Asia in Motion January 14-16, 2022The University of Louisville The annual meeting of the Southeast Conference of the Association for Asian Studies will be held on
- The 桃色视频 Asian Studies Graduate Association (CUBASGA) invites submissions for its annual graduate student conference, to be held remotely via ZOOM care of University of Colorado, Boulder facilities on February 19th & 20th, 2022.
- The Critical Language Scholarship (CLS) Program is a summer study abroad opportunity for American college and university students to learn languages essential to America’s engagement with the world.Critical Language Scholarships for Summer 2022 (due
- CKS offers Senior Fellowships and Junior Fellows programs, Khmer Language and Culture programs, as well as onsite events and public lectures.Center for Khmer Studies Fellowships (deadline Nov. 30)https://khmerstudies.org/programs/