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BOLD Center announces new leadership

BOLD Center welcomes new leadership

Diversity and inclusion are core to the mission and success of our college.We have ambitious goals for our student body, staff and faculty and are making tremendous progress. As one example, our preliminary census indicates that ourfall 2019 first-yearstudents include 44 percent women, 28 percent underrepresented students and 18percent first-generation college students. Each of these percentages is markedly improved relative to just a few years ago.

Tanya Ennis, Director of the BOLD Center

Tanya Ennis, Director of the BOLD Center

Amy Moreno, Director of Inclusive Culture

Amy Moreno, Director of Inclusive Culture

The BOLD Center, recognized as the CoNECD Program of the Year in 2018, founded 11years ago, has been and will continue to be central to our student inclusion and persistence efforts.

As such, we areproud to announce that Tanya Ennis has taken on a new role as director of the BOLD Center, effective Monday, Sept. 16. Tanya has served our college for a decade as director of the Engineering GoldShirt Program.Through her leadership, this program has become a .

In her new role, Tanya will lead the BOLD Center in the creation of an inclusive,equitable, educational experience and community for underrepresented students to thrive in ourcollege. Under her leadership, the BOLD Center will focus on supporting persistence ofdiverse scholars across our college.

Reflecting up on her goals to expand the BOLD Center's impact, Ennis is "look[ing]forward to partnering with faculty, staff and students to transform our college into a community where our diverse students not only persist to graduation but thrive in their engineering studies and their professional careers."

We are also pleased to announce that Amy Morenowill join our team on Sept. 24 as director of inclusive culture.Amy is currently the program manager for Diversity & Inclusion Education in the CU Departmentof Human Resources. She created the newly launched “Making Excellence Inclusive 101”curriculum for our campus, and will bring this expertise to our college.

In her new role, Amy will focus on our college’s professional environment goals. She will be part of the BOLD team, helping to advance the center's strategic goals and will serve thecollege by helping to “bring BOLD out.”

On paving the way in thisinaugural role, Moreno said,"I am lookingforward to building relationships with CEAS students, staff, faculty and administrators andhope to be a catalyst that amplifies collaboration, innovation and inclusion within the college. Inclusion is an active and continuous process for which we are all responsible and it'sintegral for us to become a model of success in STEM, at ɫƵ and beyond. I am looking forward to seeing all that we can do together."

Congratulations and welcome toTanya and Amy in these new roles.