
  • Jacqueline Rodriguez Mora
    Graduating senior and BOLD scholar Jacqueline Rodriguez Mora (ChemBioEngr'22) has been recognized by the College of Engineering with the Justice, Equity, Diversity & Inclusion (JEDI) Award for her peer mentorship involvement with the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE) and support of International Women's Day in 2021.

  • Ahmed Ashmaig
    A Q&A with Ahmed Ashmaig (MechEngr'23) who has been recognized as someone who seeks to enhance cross-cultural awareness and a greater appreciation for diversity, going above and beyond in advocating for and facilitating cultural programming and having an impact far beyond the original source.
  • Katelynn Thammavong
    Graduating senior Katelynn Thammavong (ChemBioEngr '22) has been recognized with a Community Impact award for her work to connect and empower Asian-heritage STEM students and disrupt anti-Asian racism during the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Fort Morgan Community Garden
    With the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic and the uncertainty of international travel, Mortenson Center graduate student Britta Bergstrom pivoted her field-based practicum in Tanzania to a community-engaged garden in her home state.
  • C. Wyatt Shields with a grad student in his lab
    Assistant Professor C. Wyatt Shields IV is the recipient of a National Science Foundation (NSF) Faculty Early Career Development Program (CAREER) award for his proposal 鈥淪hape-Encoded Electrokinetic Particles for Multiplexed Biosensing.鈥 This project seeks to develop a new method of early identification of disease biomarkers, while also facilitating outreach and education to students at Northglenn High School.
  • High school students
    The Committee for Equity in Mechanical Engineering invited freshmen from Arrupe Jesuit High School to campus, where they built robots and toured the Integrated Teaching and Learning Laboratory.
  • Tran and Warren pose for a photo near equipment in a lab
    Hydrogen has long been seen as a possible renewable fuel source, held out of reach for full-scale adoption by production costs and inefficiencies. Researchers in the Weimer Group are working to address this by using solar thermal processing to drive high-temperature chemical reactions that produce hydrogen and carbon monoxide, which can be used to synthesize liquid hydrocarbon fuels.
  • CEME logo
    The Committee for Equity in Mechanical Engineering wants to expand its outreach in the 2021-22 academic year and needs help to do it. The only qualification to join the team of graduate students is a willingness to be open.
  • Dami Akinneye in blue suit with purple tie
    Damilola Akinneye, a PhD candidate in the Medlin Research Group, recently received the Andzik Scholarship, an award that goes to first-generation students or those who have faced unusual adversity, with a preference for those who graduated from a high school in Africa. Akinneye is originally from Nigeria.
  • Keith Molenaar
    Keith Molenaar is a first-generation college graduate and the acting dean of the College of Engineering and Applied science. His journey through college relied on the encouragement of his parents and the friends who supported him.
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