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Prof. Marina Vance New Publication and Educational Video

EVEN recently created an engaging and informative video to be entered intoÌýa science communication contest. Her videoÌýtitledÌý"What's Cooking? The air quality in your kitchen"Ìýtalks about how modern day cooking methods affect indoor air quality. If you've ever wondered aboutÌýthe potential effects of cooking in your kitchen orÌýaboutÌýhealth risks caused by air pollutants, you can watch the video .

Prof. Vance was also published in Environmental Science and TechnologyÌýfor heresearch regardingÌý.ÌýThree-dimensional (3D) printers are known to emit aerosols, but questions remain about their composition and the processes that drive these emissions. The objective of Vance's work was to characterize the aerosol emissions from the operation of a fuse-deposition modeling 3D printer. Vance modeled the time- and size-resolved emissions of submicrometer aerosols from the printer in a chamber study, gained insight into the chemical composition of emitted aerosols using Raman spectroscopy, and measured the potential for exposure to the aerosols generated by 3D printers under real-use conditions in a variety of indoor environments.Ìý