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New Hydrologic Sciences Informal Seminar Series

Are you interested in hydrology, and want to learn more than classes offer? Are you overwhelmed by the staggering hydrologic literature? While the many different seminar series on campus provide some perspective, there is often not time to discuss the findings presented. This semester the Graduate Hydrologic Sciences Program as part of CWEST is kicking off a new informal cyber lecture series open to all calledinformally Navigating Environmental Water Science(³).

Thefirst iNEWS cyberseminar will beFriday, November 17, 4-5:30 pmin SEEC Sievers room S228.We will watch (~1hr) and then discuss (0.5 hr) “The Old Water Paradox: A Grand Challenge for Catchment Hydrology” by Dr. Jeff McDonnell

This format is meant to encourage learning and discussion. It works if you all come to participate, ask questions, share your thoughts. We encourage you to be involved and maybe even learn something within or outside of your typical scope of research along the way...All interestedstudents are welcome.

Come learn about hydrology in a new and informal setting with pizza and drinks.