News & Events
- Congratulations to Cosetta Seno, Associate Professor of Italian and French and Italian Associate Chair of Undergraduate Studies, who is the recipient of the 2024 Boulder Faculty (BFA) Excellence in Teaching Award! This award recognizes the vital
- Join us for an afternoon of mask-making, games, and dances. When: Tuesday, February 13th Time: 4PM - 5:30PM Where: ALTEC HIVE (CASE E380) ALL LEVELS ARE WELCOME!
- Come and eat crêpes, play games, andlLearn more about French Club! Mon. FEBRUARY 12 @4.30 WHERE: CASE E380 (THE HIVE)
- If you are considering studying in Italy, the Dante Alighieri Society of Denver will be awarding scholarships to college students attending institutions in the Denver metropolitan area or northeastern Colorado, who are studying Italian language,
- The Department of French & Italian presents: "Maka" A film on national belonging, migration, and race through the eye of Makaping, a Cameroonian-Italian anthropologist, writer and the first Black woman news anchor on Italian television and
- Show your soccer spirit and come play or cheer! October 24th - 12-2PM - Indoor TURF Gym (Althetic Recreation Space)
- Join FRIT for L’Italiano e la sostenibilità - a celebration of Week of the Italian Language in the World. October 16th 5:30PM - 7:45Pm HUMN 1B70 - "Siccità " - A film (2022) directed by Paolo Virzì in Italian with English subtitles ("Dry" in
- Come play Pétanque! Thursday, October 5th 4:00PM Norlin Quad
- Wednesday, October 11th from 5-6pm in UMC 234 Travel to Italy with Professor Suzanne Magnanini, exploring Florence’s historic streets. Learn about Dante, his Inferno, paintings, and frescoes inspired by the poem. Or travel to Paris with Professor