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Babs Elected Parliamentarian of the Arts and Sciences Council

Babs Buttenfield photo portrait
Barbara "babs" Buttenfield has been elected as the inaugural Parliamentarian of the Arts and Sciences Council (ASC), which is the faculty senate for the College of Arts & Sciences. This is a new officer position, added to the ASC ByLaws this spring to accommodate and support the increased complexities of ASC leadership. The Parliamentarian advises the current ASC Chair and Executive Committee on matters of policy and procedure, insuring that ASC activities and decisions align with ASC ByLaws, BFA Bylaws, and the Rules of the Regents, especially on matters of shared faculty governance. Qualifications for the Parliamentarian are being a senior faculty member who has served previously as ASC Chair and who is not currently serving as a department chair, center or institute director. The term runs for one year with possibility of renewal.
