From the Dean of the Graduate School: Checking in, with appreciation

Dear graduate students,
I hope you are staying healthy and safe as we enter the fourth week since CU implemented remote instruction and significant campus changes related to COVID-19. It has been a challenging time, and I know that these changes to our academic, professional and personal lives have been stressful for everyone in the CU community. It has been inspiring to see the adjustments everyone has made to ensure the continued operations of the university.Â
Each year at this time we celebrate Graduate Student Appreciation Week. This is when the university community recognizes and celebrates all of the tremendous accomplishments and contributions of our graduate students. We would like to express our sincere appreciation for all that you do; and while it looks a bit different this year, the Graduate School is still sponsoring a full slate of fun events for you this week. Complete details for the week may be found on our grad appreciation events calendar. I do want to personally thank you and all the graduate students for maintaining the vitality of the university, even in this extraordinary moment we are living through.
The Graduate School is also continuing to offer a number of online support services, including our graduate seminar series, writing support and workshops with Career Services and CAPS. Please keep an eye on our calendar for details. Also, remember to stay in touch with your advisors, mentors, graduate program assistants and fellow students. More than ever, it is important for us to remain connected to our communities and support networks.
The Graduate School staff has been working continuously to gather, verify and share information relevant to our students. We are regularly updating the FAQs on the Graduate School website. This is where you may find information about adjustments to registration requirements for students who have shifted their graduation from spring to summer as well as details related to pass/fail grading and spring 2020 graduation deadlines. So please keep checking back for updates to that page. As well, please see the coronavirus updates and resources page for universitywide updates. If you have questions that are not addressed in either the Graduate School FAQ page or the university’s coronavirus information site, please send them to
We understand that this situation has created a great deal of uncertainty and that questions continue to arise. I want to assure you that university leaders are working with the Graduate School to consider graduate students’ needs and concerns as we navigate these unprecedented circumstances. We will continue to communicate as more information becomes available. In the meantime, take care of yourselves and stay safe.
E. Scott Adler
Dean of the Graduate School
Vice Provost for Graduate Education
Professor of Political Science