Profiles /graduateschool/ en Meet 3MT Finalist Spencer Zeigler /graduateschool/2024/02/02/meet-3mt-finalist-spencer-zeigler Meet 3MT Finalist Spencer Zeigler Cay Leytham-Powell Fri, 02/02/2024 - 16:47 Categories: Profiles Tags: Three Minute Thesis

The 2024 Three Minute Thesis final competition will be held Feb. 7, from 4 to 6 p.m.

What is the best way to distill a multitude of information into just three minutes?

That’s the question ten graduate students will be wrestling with as part of the Graduate School’s seventh annual Three Minute Thesis (3MT) competition, which will be held in the University Memorial Center’s Glenn Miller Ballroom on Feb. 7, 2024, from 4 to 6 p.m. The event is free and open to the public, but .

This event challenges students to explain their thesis to the general public. They are then evaluated by a panel of judges from across the university, including College of Arts and Sciences Dean Glen Krutz, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences Associate Dean Charles Musgraves, Professor of Sociology Lori Hunter, and Physics Professor and Nobel Laureate Eric Cornell.

In the days leading up to the event, we’ll be featuring each of the competitors. Today’s is Spencer Zeigler, a geological sciences doctoral candidate who focuses on geochronology (the science of age dating earth materials, like rocks, minerals, fossils, and geologic events) and thermochronology (the study of the thermal evolution of a region of a planet). Her 3MT presentation’s title is, “The Missing Pages of Earth History.”

If you had to describe your research in one sentence, what would you say?

I use radioactive decay to try and figure out when, how, and why the northern Canadian landscape has changed over the past 600 million years.

What is your favorite thing about the research you do?

My favorite thing about my research is a process called "mineral separation." I start with an armful of rock and turn that into just a pinch of sand-sized material which should be entirely composed of 1 mineral—apatite. It is physical work that includes sledgehammers, magnets, and liquids that are 4x denser than water! The best part is that you get to see your progress at the end of the day.

What led you to pursue your doctoral degree in your field of study?

My advisor (Becky Flowers), who I was doing research for during my 'gap year', knew that I've got a huge weakness for volcanoes—the weirder the better. So, she offered me a position working on the strangest volcanoes in the whole world—kimberlites. I loved working in her lab and with her, so I decided to stay. In addition to studying awesome volcanoes, I'm essentially getting a PhD in time travel; I get to look back hundreds of millions of years into the past and tell a story about why a place looks the way it does today.

What are your hobbies/what do you enjoy doing outside of your academic work?

I am a public transit/safer streets/bike/pedestrian advocate. I work closely with Safer Streets, Better Broomfield, a nonprofit organization whose goal is to make our streets better and safer for everyone. In that same vein, I enjoy commuting to campus by bike—but I really love doing Costco runs on my bike. :) I also enjoy knitting scarves, listening to podcasts, doing jigsaw puzzles, playing cornhole (where's the ɫƵ league?!) and gluten free baking.

What is your favorite food and why?

Sweet potato. So versatile! So healthy! You can mash, twice-bake, roast, make French fries, hash browns, YUM! Also, they are just pretty. Always adds a nice pop of color to a plate.

The 2024 Three Minute Thesis final competition will be held Feb. 7, from 4 to 6 p.m.


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Fri, 02 Feb 2024 23:47:21 +0000 Cay Leytham-Powell 169 at /graduateschool
Meet 3MT Finalist Ruhan Yang /graduateschool/2024/02/01/meet-3mt-finalist-ruhan-yang Meet 3MT Finalist Ruhan Yang Cay Leytham-Powell Thu, 02/01/2024 - 16:32 Categories: Profiles Tags: Three Minute Thesis

The 2024 Three Minute Thesis final competition will be held Feb. 7, from 4 to 6 p.m.

What is the best way to distill a multitude of information into just three minutes?

That’s the question ten graduate students will be wrestling with as part of the Graduate School’s seventh annual Three Minute Thesis (3MT) competition, which will be held in the University Memorial Center’s Glenn Miller Ballroom on Feb. 7, 2024, from 4 to 6 p.m. The event is free and open to the public, but .

This event challenges students to explain their thesis to the general public. They are then evaluated by a panel of judges from across the university, including College of Arts and Sciences Dean Glen Krutz, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences Associate Dean Charles Musgraves, Professor of Sociology Lori Hunter, and Physics Professor and Nobel Laureate Eric Cornell.

In the days leading up to the event, we’ll be featuring each of the competitors. Today’s is Ruhan Yang, a doctoral candidate in the ATLAS Institute who focuses on human-computer interaction. Her 3MT presentation’s title is, “cubo: Paper Modular Robot You Can Build at Home.”

If you had to describe your research in one sentence, what would you say?

I make making easier.

What led you to pursue your doctoral degree in your field of study?

My advisor showed me that doing research can be fun.

What is your favorite thing about the research you do?

Make everything out of paper, with other people in our lab.

What is your favorite food and why?

Szechuan hot pot. It's from my hometown.

Tell us a random fact about yourself

I really like fire hydrants, they are cute. But the pipes they have in the ground are extremely tall, and I didn't like them as much once I learned that.

The 2024 Three Minute Thesis final competition will be held Feb. 7, from 4 to 6 p.m.


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Thu, 01 Feb 2024 23:32:07 +0000 Cay Leytham-Powell 168 at /graduateschool
Meet 3MT Finalist Aaquib Tabrez /graduateschool/2024/01/31/meet-3mt-finalist-aaquib-tabrez Meet 3MT Finalist Aaquib Tabrez Cay Leytham-Powell Wed, 01/31/2024 - 11:30 Categories: Profiles Tags: Three Minute Thesis

The 2024 Three Minute Thesis final competition will be held Feb. 7, from 4 to 6 p.m.

What is the best way to distill a multitude of information into just three minutes?

That’s the question ten graduate students will be wrestling with as part of the Graduate School’s seventh annual Three Minute Thesis (3MT) competition, which will be held in the University Memorial Center’s Glenn Miller Ballroom on Feb. 7, 2024, from 4 to 6 p.m. The event is free and open to the public, but .

This event challenges students to explain their thesis to the general public. They are then evaluated by a panel of judges from across the university, including College of Arts and Sciences Dean Glen Krutz, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences Associate Dean Charles Musgraves, Professor of Sociology Lori Hunter, and Physics Professor and Nobel Laureate Eric Cornell.

In the days leading up to the event, we’ll be featuring each of the competitors. Today’s is Aaquib Tabrez, a computer science doctoral candidate who focuses on robotics. His 3MT presentation’s title is, “Building Trust and Reliance in Human-Machine Teams via Transparent Algorithms.”

If you had to describe your research in one sentence, what would you say?

I teach robots and autonomous systems to better communicate back to people such that they are more transparent, trustworthy and reliable, aiming to enhance human-machine communication and collaboration.

What is your favorite thing about the research you do?

What I love most about my research is the incredible freedom I have to chase after any problem that I want. There's something thrilling about tackling brand new challenges, ones that nobody has ever solved before, especially knowing these solutions can make a big difference, from big-picture changes to easing daily life for people. Plus, I get to play around with all sorts of cool robotics platforms, which is just so much fun and always keeps me excited about what I'm doing.

What led you to pursue your doctoral degree in your field of study?

I've always dreamed of being a scientist since I was a child. I've always been fascinated by how people think and solve problems, and I wanted to replicate this in machines to help people make better decisions. When I started grad school, my driving motivation was to explore and expand the boundaries of what humans and robots could achieve together, pushing beyond what was previously possible.

What did you do before coming to ɫƵ for graduate school?

Before coming to ɫƵ for graduate school, I was a Procurement Manager at Daimler. I also took on a role as a social fellow with Yuva Prerna Yatra. This part of my life took me to the Himalayas, where I got to travel, learn and work closely with local entrepreneurs.

What is your favorite food and why?

My favorite food is Haleem, a traditional dish that combines wheat, barley, lentils and meat, like beef or mutton. It's this rich, slow-cooked dish that's just savory, comforting and really hearty. I especially love it not just because it tastes incredible, but also because it reminds me of the childhood days of Ramadan. We used to have it after a whole day of fasting, and it always brought my friends and family together, making those long days really worthwhile.

The 2024 Three Minute Thesis final competition will be held Feb. 7, from 4 to 6 p.m.


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Wed, 31 Jan 2024 18:30:20 +0000 Cay Leytham-Powell 167 at /graduateschool
Meet 3MT Finalist Emma St. Lawrence /graduateschool/2024/01/30/meet-3mt-finalist-emma-st-lawrence Meet 3MT Finalist Emma St. Lawrence Cay Leytham-Powell Tue, 01/30/2024 - 15:10 Categories: Profiles Tags: Three Minute Thesis

The 2024 Three Minute Thesis final competition will be held Feb. 7, from 4 to 6 p.m.

What is the best way to distill a multitude of information into just three minutes?

That’s the question ten graduate students will be wrestling with as part of the Graduate School’s seventh annual , which will be held in the University Memorial Center’s Glenn Miller Ballroom on Feb. 7, 2024, from 4 to 6 p.m. The event is free and open to the public, but .

This event challenges students to explain their thesis to the general public. They are then evaluated by a panel of judges from across the university, including College of Arts and Sciences Dean Glen Krutz, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences Associate Dean Charles Musgraves, Professor of Sociology Lori Hunter, and Physics Professor and Nobel Laureate Eric Cornell.

In the days leading up to the event, we’ll be featuring each of the competitors. Today’s is Emma St. Lawrence, a doctoral candidate in media studies who focuses on affective media (how media affects human emotions) and new materiality (the role of non-human entities in how connections are made). Their 3MT presentation’s title is, “To Seek Newer Worlds: Mediating Reality in a Time of Plague.”

If you had to describe your research in one sentence, what would you say?

I study the way we use stories to make sense of ourselves and our world.

What led you to pursue your doctoral degree in your field of study?

I've always been a strong believer in the power of stories and how they shape both our identities and the way we interact with the world. Even after investigating this core idea in my BA and MA, I found I still wasn't quite done thinking about it—and even in my last year of a PhD, I find I haven't yet tired myself out on the subject.

What is your favorite thing about the research you do?

All the media I personally engage with counts as research! Reading, listening, streaming, watching in theatres—every story I encounter helps me draw new connections and reframe how I view the vast, interconnected universe of modern media.

What did you do before coming to ɫƵ for graduate school?

I've more-or-less done all my schooling at King's College London (BA) and University of Southern California (MA) back-to-back. On the way, however, I've been able to explore and work in a few different areas of the cultural sector (museums, film archives, film studios, arts promotion, etc).

What is your favorite food and why?

Pomegranates, but they've got to be the whole, fresh ones; none of the packaged seeds, please. They require effort and time spent taking the admittedly frustrating fruit apart, but they're so incredibly delicious and rich with reward.

Tell us a random fact about yourself

A monkey stole my ice cream once when I was a kid and I've hated all primates ever since.

The 2024 Three Minute Thesis final competition will be held Feb. 7, from 4 to 6 p.m.


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Tue, 30 Jan 2024 22:10:24 +0000 Cay Leytham-Powell 166 at /graduateschool
Meet 3MT Finalist Zach Schiffman /graduateschool/2024/01/26/meet-3mt-finalist-zach-schiffman Meet 3MT Finalist Zach Schiffman Cay Leytham-Powell Fri, 01/26/2024 - 13:20 Categories: Profiles Tags: Three Minute Thesis

The 2024 Three Minute Thesis final competition will be held Feb. 7, from 4 to 6 p.m.

What is the best way to distill a multitude of information into just three minutes?

That’s the question ten graduate students will be wrestling with as part of the Graduate School’s seventh annual , which will be held in the University Memorial Center’s Glenn Miller Ballroom on Feb. 7, 2024, from 4 to 6 p.m. The event is free and open to the public, but .

This event challenges students to explain their thesis to the general public. They are then evaluated by a panel of judges from across the university, including College of Arts and Sciences Dean Glen Krutz, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences Associate Dean Charles Musgraves, Professor of Sociology Lori Hunter, and Physics Professor and Nobel Laureate Eric Cornell.

In the days leading up to the event, we’ll be featuring each of the competitors. Today’s is Zach Schiffman, a doctoral candidate in chemistry, with a focus on atmospheric aerosol. His 3MT presentation’s title is, “The Urea Molecule: From Fertilizer... to Climate Change?”

What did you do before coming to ɫƵ for graduate school?

I studied sources for green energy as an undergrad at William & Mary.

What led you to pursue your doctoral degree in your field of study?

I love to learn about the world around us, and I love to share my learning with others. Atmospheric Science is relevant to every person.

If you had to describe your research in one sentence, what would you say?

I study how molecules in the sky work!

What is your favorite thing about the research you do?

Writing, speaking, and meeting other scientists. All about science communication.

Tell us a random fact about yourself

I used to be a "ghost tour" guide in Colonial Williamsburg, Virginia, where I used to lead tours around in the middle of the night and tell them old ghost stories!

The 2024 Three Minute Thesis final competition will be held Feb. 7, from 4 to 6 p.m.


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Fri, 26 Jan 2024 20:20:36 +0000 Cay Leytham-Powell 165 at /graduateschool
Meet 3MT Finalist Alex Meyer /graduateschool/2024/01/25/meet-3mt-finalist-alex-meyer Meet 3MT Finalist Alex Meyer Cay Leytham-Powell Thu, 01/25/2024 - 12:35 Categories: Profiles Tags: Three Minute Thesis

The 2024 Three Minute Thesis final competition will be held Feb. 7, from 4 to 6 p.m.

What is the best way to distill a multitude of information into just three minutes?

That’s the question ten graduate students will be wrestling with as part of the Graduate School’s seventh annual Three Minute Thesis (3MT) competition, which will be held in the University Memorial Center’s Glenn Miller Ballroom on Feb. 7, 2024, from 4 to 6 p.m. The event is free and open to the public, but .

This event challenges students to explain their thesis to the general public. They are then evaluated by a panel of judges from across the university, including College of Arts and Sciences Dean Glen Krutz, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences Associate Dean Charles Musgraves, Professor of Sociology Lori Hunter, and Physics Professor and Nobel Laureate Eric Cornell.

In the days leading up to the event, we’ll be featuring each of the competitors. Today’s is Alex Meyer, a doctoral candidate in aerospace engineering sciences, specializing in astrodynamics and satellite navigation. His 3MT presentation’s title is, “Binary Asteroids and the DART Impact.”

If you had to describe your research in one sentence, what would you say?

Binary asteroids are complicated and can do some really weird things if you bump into them.

What led you to pursue your doctoral degree in your field of study?

I'm really interested in space exploration and I wanted to learn how to fly spacecraft.

What is your favorite thing about the research you do?

It's romantic and captures the imagination.

What did you do before coming to ɫƵ for graduate school?

I was in undergrad at University of Wisconsin Madison, where my research was in cellular mechanics.

What are your hobbies/what do you enjoy doing outside of your academic work?

I like reading, building LEGO models, board games, gaming, and the Boulder staples of hiking, camping and skiing.

Tell us a random fact about yourself

I have displayed my LEGO builds at national conventions.

The 2024 Three Minute Thesis final competition will be held Feb. 7, from 4 to 6 p.m.


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Thu, 25 Jan 2024 19:35:48 +0000 Cay Leytham-Powell 164 at /graduateschool
Meet 3MT Finalist Lyanna Kessler /graduateschool/2024/01/24/meet-3mt-finalist-lyanna-kessler Meet 3MT Finalist Lyanna Kessler Cay Leytham-Powell Wed, 01/24/2024 - 09:32 Categories: Profiles Tags: Three Minute Thesis

The 2024 Three Minute Thesis final competition will be held Feb. 7, from 4 to 6 p.m.

What is the best way to distill a multitude of information into just three minutes?

That’s the question ten graduate students will be wrestling with as part of the Graduate School’s seventh annual Three Minute Thesis (3MT) competition, which will be held in the University Memorial Center’s Glenn Miller Ballroom on Feb. 7, 2024, from 4 to 6 p.m. The event is free and open to the public, but .

This event challenges students to explain their thesis to the general public. They are then evaluated by a panel of judges from across the university, including College of Arts and Sciences Dean Glen Krutz, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences Associate Dean Charles Musgraves, Professor of Sociology Lori Hunter, and Physics Professor and Nobel Laureate Eric Cornell.

In the days leading up to the event, we’ll be featuring each of the competitors. Today’s is Lyanna Kessler, a doctoral candidate in neuroimmunology (field of science that combines neuroscience, or the science of the nervous system like the brain, and immunology, or the immune system), who’s 3MT presentation’s title is, “Aftershock: When COVID becomes Long COVID.”

If you had to describe your research in one sentence, what would you say?

I love to learn and discover how microbes like bacteria and viruses influence our brain and behavior.

What is your favorite thing about the research you do?

Both the nervous system and immune system interact in intricate ways that have yet to be fully discovered, which makes me excited to contribute to the field. I also feel like microbes have so much character, they can feel like villains with a lot of mystery until we figure out how they work. Their interactions with the immune and nervous systems feel like secret stories. When we learn more about them, it equips us to have better medicine and help people recover from disease more effectively.

What did you do before coming to ɫƵ for graduate school?

I worked as a research technician at the University of Pennsylvania for three years.

What led you to pursue your doctoral degree in your field of study?

I wanted to do research to help further the field of neuroscience. I hope to become a scientist who helps do scientific education for the general public.

What is your favorite food and why?

New York City pizza, there is always a perfect ratio of sauce to cheese.

Tell us a random fact about yourself

I used to be a volunteer scuba diver at the Adventure Aquarium near Philadelphia.

Anything else you'd like to share?

It has always been my dream to participate in 3MT since I was an undergrad. I can’t believe I’m a PhD candidate now! It used to feel so far away.

The 2024 Three Minute Thesis final competition will be held Feb. 7, from 4 to 6 p.m.


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Wed, 24 Jan 2024 16:32:12 +0000 Cay Leytham-Powell 163 at /graduateschool
Meet 3MT Finalist Saima Kazmi /graduateschool/2024/01/23/meet-3mt-finalist-saima-kazmi Meet 3MT Finalist Saima Kazmi Cay Leytham-Powell Tue, 01/23/2024 - 13:57 Categories: Profiles Tags: Three Minute Thesis

The 2024 Three Minute Thesis final competition will be held Feb. 7, from 4 to 6 p.m.

What is the best way to distill a multitude of information into just three minutes?

That’s the question ten graduate students will be wrestling with as part of the Graduate School’s seventh annual Three Minute Thesis (3MT) competition, which will be held in the University Memorial Center’s Glenn Miller Ballroom on Feb. 7, 2024, from 4 to 6 p.m. The event is free and open to the public, but .

This event challenges students to explain their thesis to the general public. They are then evaluated by a panel of judges from across the university, including College of Arts and Sciences Dean Glen Krutz, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences Associate Dean Charles Musgraves, Professor of Sociology Lori Hunter, and Physics Professor and Nobel Laureate Eric Cornell.

In the days leading up to the event, we’ll be featuring each of the competitors. Today’s is Saima Kazmi, a doctoral student in advertising, public relations and media design who studies sustainability and green advertising. Her 3MT presentation’s title is “Psychological Distance in Advertising and Moral Disengagement.”

If you had to describe your research in one sentence, what would you say?

Understanding why consumers resist green advertising and how designing ads a certain way can address that.

What led you to pursue your doctoral degree in your field of study?

The consumer interaction on social media fascinated me, and I wanted to carve my own path in understanding engagement and human behavior.

What is your favorite thing about the research you do?

The potential of broader social impact and future orientation of sustainability

What is your favorite food and why?

Pomegranate because they remind me of my father. He always has a big bowl of seeds ready for us when we visit.

Tell us a random fact about yourself

Getting a PhD as a parent to small kids with my husband across the Pacific is one of the hardest things I have ever done.

The 2024 Three Minute Thesis final competition will be held Feb. 7, from 4 to 6 p.m.


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Tue, 23 Jan 2024 20:57:11 +0000 Cay Leytham-Powell 162 at /graduateschool
Meet 3MT Finalist Georgia Butcher /graduateschool/2024/01/19/meet-3mt-finalist-georgia-butcher Meet 3MT Finalist Georgia Butcher Cay Leytham-Powell Fri, 01/19/2024 - 09:42 Categories: Profiles Tags: Three Minute Thesis

The 2024 Three Minute Thesis final competition will be held Feb. 7, from 4 to 6 p.m.

What is the best way to distill a multitude of information into just three minutes?

That’s the question ten graduate students will be wrestling with as part of the Graduate School’s seventh annual Three Minute Thesis (3MT) competition, which will be held in the University Memorial Center’s Glenn Miller Ballroom on Feb. 7, 2024, from 4 to 6 p.m. The event is free and open to the public, but .

This event challenges students to explain their thesis to the general public. They are then evaluated by a panel of judges from across the university, including College of Arts and Sciences Dean Glen Krutz, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences Associate Dean Charles Musgraves, Professor of Sociology Lori Hunter, and Physics Professor and Nobel Laureate Eric Cornell.

In the days leading up to the event, we’ll be featuring each of the competitors. Today’s is Georgia Butcher, a doctoral student in cultural anthropology whose 3MT presentation’s title is “Drone Pilots and Remote War: An Anthropological Investigation.”

What did you do before coming to ɫƵ for graduate school?

I worked in science and technology policy in Washington, DC.

What led you to pursue your doctoral degree in your field of study?

I loved working in science and technology policy, especially when it came to issues around veterans and military service members. When I kept doing research on the issue of remote military service, I was confused why there was not that much information on it besides a handful of studies and news articles. I decided to go back to school to keep asking questions other people weren't asking, and thought that an anthropology PhD was the best way to do that.

If you had to describe your research in one sentence, what would you say?

Even though drone personnel are not deploying to war, participating in war remotely is still having significant, and unexpected, impacts on them.

What is your favorite thing about the research you do?

My favorite thing is all of the different people I get to meet and develop close friendships with.

Tell us a random fact about yourself

I am a hair double in a short horror film!

Anything else you'd like to share?

Competing in 3MT is something I have been looking forward to doing since I became a graduate student! I attended the 3MT Finals in February of 2020 and loved how clearly and succinctly all the competitors were discussing their science.

The 2024 Three Minute Thesis final competition will be held Feb. 7, from 4 to 6 p.m.


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Fri, 19 Jan 2024 16:42:07 +0000 Cay Leytham-Powell 159 at /graduateschool
Meet 3MT Finalist Leopold Beuken /graduateschool/2024/01/18/meet-3mt-finalist-leopold-beuken Meet 3MT Finalist Leopold Beuken Cay Leytham-Powell Thu, 01/18/2024 - 13:33 Categories: Profiles Tags: Three Minute Thesis

The 2024 Three Minute Thesis final competition will be held Feb. 7, from 4 to 6 p.m.

What is the best way to distill a multitude of information into just three minutes?

That’s the question ten graduate students will be wrestling with as part of the Graduate School’s seventh annual Three Minute Thesis (3MT) competition, which will be held in the University Memorial Center’s Glenn Miller Ballroom on Feb. 7, 2024, from 4 to 6 p.m. The event is free and open to the public, but .

This event challenges students to explain their thesis to the general public. They are then evaluated by a panel of judges from across the university, including College of Arts and Sciences Dean Glen Krutz, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences Associate Dean Charles Musgraves, Professor of Sociology Lori Hunter, and Physics Professor and Nobel Laureate Eric Cornell.

In the days leading up to the event, we’ll be featuring each of the competitors, starting with Leopold Beuken. Beuken is a doctoral student in mechanical engineering with a focus on robotics whose 3MT presentation’s title is “Flight by Feel.”

If you had to describe your research in one sentence, what would you say?

Simple, bio-inspired methods to control dynamical systems.

What did you do before coming to ɫƵ for graduate school?

Undergrad at the University of Pretoria and Petrochemical Engineer.

What led you to pursue your doctoral degree in your field of study?

Incredible undergraduate research opportunity at MIT.

What is your favorite thing about the research you do?

Using very simple principles from biological systems and applying them to the physical robots we build.

Tell us a random fact about yourself

A dog chased me out of France once.

The 2024 Three Minute Thesis final competition will be held Feb. 7, from 4 to 6 p.m.


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Thu, 18 Jan 2024 20:33:55 +0000 Cay Leytham-Powell 158 at /graduateschool