Health and Wellness Services offers professional development opportunities for staff and faculty

Health and Wellness Services offers a number of in-person professional development opportunities to enhance team dynamics, support students and improve our campus community. Here are a few that are currently being offered for the spring semester:
Supporting Student Resiliency
The Supporting Student Resiliency Professional Development Series provides CU faculty and staff with concrete skills to better support students. Offered by several departments in the Division of Student Affairs, sessions focus on areas critical to student retention and success.
Faculty and staff can attend any individual session, or participants who attend all six will receive a non-degree certificate. Learn more and find session times online at the Health and Wellness training site.
Mental Health First Aid
Mental Health First Aid training helps a person with no clinical training assist someone experiencing a mental health crisis. This training covers a 5-step strategy to assess and support someone in crisis. Participants are also introduced to risk factors and warning signs, engage in experiential activities, and learn about evidence-supported treatment and self-help strategies. Learn more and view the schedule online at the Health and Wellness training site.
Mental Health First Aid is also available by request for CU departments and student groups.
Challenge Experience at The Rec
Interested in a team-building exercise that’s both fun and interactive? Register your team for the Challenge Experience. This indoor program offers group-oriented initiatives that foster leadership, personal awareness, communication, teamwork, creativity and problem solving.
Programs are customized to help your teams achieve their unique goals. Learn more about the program and make a reservation on the Challenge Experience website.
More trainings
Want to get personalized trainings for your department? Submit a Health and Wellness Outreach Request form.