February 2019 Programs
Managers Academy: Employee Management and Compliance Essentials
Feb. 7 & 8 - Full, Waitlist Available
9:00to 4:30p.m. each day
Administrative and Research Center 346
The Employee Management and Compliance Essentials course provides a comprehensive overview for managers and supervisors of legal guidelines, campus policies, and CU-Boulder practices related to employee management and development.
The core curriculum includes:
- Pre-employment essentials (position management, compensation, and recruitment).
- Employee development guidelines and strategies (onboarding, performance management and progressive discipline).
- Special topics in employee management (federal and campus policies and procedures related to discrimination and harassment; the Americans with Disabilities Act; and the Family Medical Leave). In addition, participants will select two elective sessions from the following topics; Bystander Intervention, Writing Effective Interview Questions, Service Animals and the ADA, and Managing Difficult Employees
New Employee Welcome Experience
Thursday, Feb. 14- Full, Register for Next Session
8:30 to 4:30 a.m.
CU Discover:Employee Perks Offered by the CU Libraries
Friday, Feb. 15
12:00 to 12:45p.m.
Administrative and Research Center 620
New ɫƵ employeesin their first 12 to 18 months of employment are invited to participate in the CU Discover Lunch and Learn Series, part of the Department of Human Resources'comprehensive, year-long onboarding program. Participants are encouraged tobring their lunch.Learn more aboue the program on theCU Discover webpage.
Developing Intercultural Competence Workshop
Wednesday, Feb. 21
9:00 to 11:30 a.m.
Administrative and Research Center 346
Learn more about the IDI Program at ɫƵ.
Crucial Conversations Refresher: Master My Stories
Wednesday, Feb. 21
12:00 to 1:00 p.m.
University Memorial Center 247
Organization and Employee Development (OED) along with campus partners introduce aCrucial Conversations Refresherprogram for Crucial Conversation (CC) graduates.There is no cost to attend this program.All Crucial Conversations graduates areinvited to join certified facilitators for an hour-long deep dive into the CC curriculum.
Neuroscience and learning transfer theory tells us that consistently practicing new skills is the biggest predictor to successfully integrating learning into your everyday environment. The Refresher program will provide an interactive opportunity for CC graduates to practice and hone the skills and strategies presented in the original CC training.
Refresher Participants will be able to:
- ApplyCC skills and strategies in a facilitated environment.
- Collaboratewith other CC graduates and facilitators to enhance their application of CC concepts.