For those looking for 1:1 coaching opportunities
Human Resources offers several programs that include personal coaching/feedback opportunities. If you are interested in taking a more in-depth approach to personal development, consider exploring a 1:1 coaching session with a certified practitioner.
ɫƵ employeeshave the opportunity to schedule hour-long coaching sessions with a Gallup Certified Strengths Coach.These coaching sessions help employees to understand their Signature Themes in a meaningful way, enabling them to create strategies and solutions that allow them to learn, grow, develop and succeed here at ɫƵ.
These employee-driven coaching conversations can be focused on a variety of different topics to support employees including personal/professional development, closing skills gaps, and working towards defined goals or outcomes. Through intentional development and application of their identified Strengths, individuals can improve their ability to build relationships, manage daily responsibilities, influence and respond to others, and think about and process information.
ʰܾٱ:You must have completed the CliftonStrengths Assessment and attended aStrengths workshop.
To schedule a Strengths Coaching session, please contactLauren Harris.
Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)
The Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is an assessment which helps transform how individuals understand themselves and work together in teams. According to CPP – The Myers-Briggs Company, “MBTI insights enhance personal development, supporting team and leadership training, conflict management, career change, and transitions.”Individuals may request an MBTI assessment and personalized feedback session through a certified practitioner. This tool is helpful for both leaders and individual contributors who are interested in exploring the MBTI to engage in greater self-awareness.
Cost: $45.90 per person for ɫƵ Staff and Faculty*
NOTE: This assessment is also offered throughCareer Servicesfor current students and ɫƵ alumni.
ContactRachel Lowe, Training and Development Specialist , to set-up an MBTI assessment and session.
Intercultural Development
Individuals may register for the Developing Intercultural Competence seminar to learn more about intercultural competence and how the Intercultural Development Inventory (IDI) can assess, and build upon, your own level of intercultural competence. Qualified Administrators (QA) will guide participants through attitudes, awareness, knowledge, and skills associated with creating an inclusive campus environment. Upon completion of the course, participants are eligible to take the IDI and meet with a QA for their individual profile feedback session.
Cost: $15 per IDI instrument for CU Staff and Faculty
Learn more about the Developing InterculturalCompetence Seminar and individual feedback sessions.