New Employees /hr/ en CU Discover Lunch & Learn: Employee Perks Offered By the CU Libraries /hr/2020/01/23/cu-discover-lunch-learn-employee-perks-offered-cu-libraries CU Discover Lunch & Learn: Employee Perks Offered By the CU Libraries Anonymous (not verified) Thu, 01/23/2020 - 09:45 Categories: HR News Tags: New Employees

Date: Friday, Feb. 21
Time: 12:00 - 12:45 p.m. 
Location: East Campus, ARC 620

The Library is often called the “heart” of university campuses. The University Libraries are much more than the classic idea of a place for books. Find out how we innovate and collaborate across the ɫƵ campus, and the ways we help students and employees of the University thrive in their work and their studies. Whether you work directly with students or “behind the scenes” with other employees, faculty, or administrators, come see how the ɫƵ University Libraries can help you thrive. 

What is the CU Discover Series?

The CU Discover series is a component of the comprehensive, year-long onboarding program offered to new employees at ɫƵ. The series offers opportunities to learn more about the values, mission, operations and initiatives of the ɫƵ campus.  

CU Discover elective sessions are held over the lunch hour once a month. Attendees are invited to bring a lunch for these interactive, informative sessions. Learn more about the CU Discover Series

Whether you work directly with students or “behind the scenes” with other employees, faculty, or administrators, come see how the ɫƵ University Libraries can help you thrive. 


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Thu, 23 Jan 2020 16:45:06 +0000 Anonymous 1461 at /hr
CU Discover Lunch & Learn: An introduction to the Faculty & Staff Assistance Program /hr/2020/01/13/cu-discover-lunch-learn-introduction-faculty-staff-assistance-program CU Discover Lunch & Learn: An introduction to the Faculty & Staff Assistance Program Anonymous (not verified) Mon, 01/13/2020 - 09:37 Categories: HR News Tags: New Employees

Date: Friday, Jan. 17
Time: 12:00 -12:45 p.m.
Location: East Campus, ARC 620 

The Faculty and Staff Assistance Program is dedicated to serving the emotional and psychological needs of the campus community. Paulette Erickson England, Director, Faculty and Staff Assistance Program (FSAP) will introduce the FSAP programs, what it means to be part of a psychologically healthy workplace and how you can take advantage of this benefit as a Faculty or Staff member of ɫƵ.  At the end of the session, participants will:

  • Learn about the employee assistance program provided to ɫƵ faculty and staff as a benefit of employment.
  • Learn the definition of a psychologically healthy workplace.
  • Learn how to access the services of the Faculty and Staff Assistance Program at ɫƵ.

What is the CU Discover Series? 

The CU Discover series is a component of the comprehensive, year-long onboarding program offered to new employees at ɫƵ. The series offers opportunities to learn more about the values, mission, operations and initiatives of the ɫƵ campus.  

CU Discover elective sessions are held over the lunch hour once a month. Attendees are invited to bring a lunch for these interactive, informative sessions. Learn more about the CU Discover Series

Learn what it means to be part of a psychologically healthy workplace and how you can take advantage of FSAP.


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Mon, 13 Jan 2020 16:37:40 +0000 Anonymous 1459 at /hr
HR closes at 1:30 p.m. on Dec. 13 /hr/2019/12/05/hr-closes-130-pm-dec-13 HR closes at 1:30 p.m. on Dec. 13 Anonymous (not verified) Thu, 12/05/2019 - 09:32 Categories: HR News Tags: HRSC New Employees

Human Resources is closing at 1:30 p.m. on Friday, Dec.13 for a staff appreciation event. Human Resources includes:
  • Compensation & Position Mgmt.
  • Diversity & Inclusive Excellence
  • Employee Relations
  • Faculty & Staff Assistance Program
  • HR Operations (Records, I-9 Office, Employment Verification)
  • HR Service Center
  • Organization & Employee Development
  • Talent Acquisition

This closure includes the offices located on east campus and the I-9 office located in Regent 1B-29. We will reopen and respond promptly to voicemail and email messages on Monday, Dec. 16. We apologize for the inconvenience.  

This closure includes the offices located on east campus and the I-9 office located in Regent 1B-29. 


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Thu, 05 Dec 2019 16:32:39 +0000 Anonymous 1391 at /hr
CU Discover Lunch & Learn: Perks & Programs at ɫƵ /hr/2019/11/01/cu-discover-lunch-learn-perks-programs-cu-boulder CU Discover Lunch & Learn: Perks & Programs at ɫƵ Anonymous (not verified) Fri, 11/01/2019 - 11:39 Categories: HR News Tags: Development New Employees Session Information

  Friday, Nov. 15

  12:00 - 12:45 p.m.

  ARC 620

As a ɫƵ employee, you have access to many perks and programs provided by the university system, campus and local vendors. Bring your lunch and join your fellow new employees to learn from Chrissy Harrison, Onboarding Manager with ɫƵ HR and Deborah Lowe , Benefits Outreach Educator with Employee Services in Denver. Chrissy and Deborah will provide an overview of perks and programs with a live-demonstration of how to access these resources.

At the end of the session, participants will: 

  • Understand what perks and programs are available for ɫƵ employees. 
  • Understand how to access resources to connect to the perks and programs. 

What is the CU Discover Series?

As a component of the comprehensive, year-long onboarding program sponsored by the Department of Human Resources, the CU Discover Series is offered to new employees at ɫƵ in their first 12-18 months of employment.

If you require an accommodation for hearing, vision, or other reasons, please let us know by the close of business one week prior to the session and we will follow up with you to determine an accommodation to meet your needs.

Questions? Contact

As a ɫƵ employee, you have access to many perks and programs provided by the university system, campus and local vendors.


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Fri, 01 Nov 2019 17:39:05 +0000 Anonymous 1187 at /hr
CU Discover Lunch & Learn: Higher Ed: A Whole Different Animal /hr/2019/10/08/cu-discover-lunch-learn-higher-ed-whole-different-animal CU Discover Lunch & Learn: Higher Ed: A Whole Different Animal Anonymous (not verified) Tue, 10/08/2019 - 11:30 Categories: HR News Tags: Development New Employees Session Information

  Friday, Oct. 18

  12:00 - 12:45 p.m.

  Administration & Research Center, room 620

What makes higher education different from other types of organizations and industries? What are the different employee “cultures” in an institution of higher education and what do they value? How are decisions made in higher ed? What do we mean by shared governance? Why does it take so long to get things done? These and many other questions about working in an institution of higher education will be answered in the October CU Discover lunch and learn program. Attendees are invited to bring a lunch for these interactive, informative sessions.

Presenter: Merna Jacobsen, PhD.:  Asst. Vice Chancellor & Deputy Chief HR Officer, and Director of Organization and Employee Development, Department of Human Resources

What is the CU Discover Series?

As a component of the comprehensive, year-long onboarding program sponsored by the Department of Human Resources, the CU Discover Series is offered to new employees at ɫƵ in their first 12-18 months of employment. 

If you require an accommodation for hearing, vision, or other reasons, please let us know by the close of business one week prior to the session and we will follow up with you to determine an accommodation to meet your needs.

 Questions? Contact


What makes higher education different from other types of organizations and industries? These and many other questions about working in an institution of higher education will be answered in the October CU Discover lunch and learn program.


Traditional 0 On White ]]>
Tue, 08 Oct 2019 17:30:09 +0000 Anonymous 1185 at /hr
Move Over Pumpkin Spice... It's time for fall learning and development! /hr/2019/08/27/move-over-pumpkin-spice-its-time-fall-learning-and-development Move Over Pumpkin Spice... It's time for fall learning and development! Anonymous (not verified) Tue, 08/27/2019 - 15:45 Categories: HR News Tags: Development New Employees

September | October | November | December



   = Diversity & Inclusive Excellence

   = Managers Academy

   = New Employees (First 12 - 18 Months)

   = Self-Care & Personal Development 

  = Cost


Zero Waste & You Workshop   ​&Բ;

  •   Sept. 4
  •   12:00 to 1:00 p.m. 
  •   University Memorial Center, Room 425

While over 100 million people recycle daily, recycling alone will not end our dependency on landfills and incinerators, nor reverse the rapid depletion of our natural resources, “Zero Waste” is a new way of looking at our waste stream, where discards are seen not as trash, but as valuable resources. Learn about the guiding principles of Zero Waste, find out how you can help support the Zero Waste effort, and see how our community is serving as a Zero waste model for the rest of the world.


Crucial Conversations Refreshers: State my path

  •    Sept. 10
  •   12:00 to 1:00 p.m.
  •   University Memorial Center, 247

Neuroscience and learning transfer theory tells us that consistently practicing new skills is the biggest predictor to successfully integrating learning into your everyday environment. The Refresher program will provide an interactive opportunity for Crucial Conversations graduates to practice and hone the skills and strategies presented in the original Crucial Conversation training. 


Developing Intercultural Competence Seminar    

  •    Sept. 11
  •   1:00 to 3:30 p.m.
  •   Administrative & Research Center (ARC) 346

ɫƵ is committed to a strong campus climate in which all students, staff, and faculty thrive and feel a sense of commitment to and from our community.  Creating this depends on our ability to shift cultural perspectives and appropriately adapt behaviors to cultural differences and commonalities.   This workshop is open to all ɫƵ faculty and staff interested in learning more about intercultural competence and how the Intercultural Development Inventory (IDI) can assess, and build upon, your own level of intercultural competence.  ɫƵ IDI qualified administrators will guide you through attitudes, awareness, knowledge, and skills associated with creating an inclusive campus environment.


Ins and Outs of Perfectionism: What is it and how does it affect me?    ​&Բ;

  •   Sept.18
  •   12:00 to 1:00 p.m. 
  •   Administrative & Research Center (ARC) 346

It is widely believed that perfectionism leads to productivity, but this is a myth. Perfectionists are no more productive than non-perfectionists and experience high levels of stress. Perfectionism also links to a variety physical and mental health issues. In this workshop, Sarah Amberg, LPCC, will present on the roots of perfectionism and its impact on work/life balance using evidence based data, as well as, her personal experiences as a therapist and recovering perfectionist. 


CU Discover Series: Perks & Programs at ɫƵ  

  •   Sept. 20
  •   12:00 to 12:45 p.m.
  •   Administrative & Research Center (ARC) 620

The CU Discover series is a component of the comprehensive, year-long onboarding program offered to new employees at ɫƵ. As a ɫƵ employee, you have access to many perks and programs provided by the university system, campus and local vendors. Bring your lunch and join your fellow new employees to learn from Chrissy Harrison, Onboarding Manager with ɫƵ HR and Deborah Lowe , Benefits Outreach Educator with Employee Services in Denver. Chrissy and Deborah will provide an overview of perks and programs with a live-demonstration of how to access these resources.


Making Excellence Inclusive 101    

  •   Sept. 23
  •   9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
  •   Administrative & Research Center (ARC) 346

Making Excellence Inclusive 101 provides a foundational understanding of Inclusive Excellence.  An overarching goal of the course is to provide the collective noticing and collective action we can take to build a campus environment and climate we want for ourselves and students. During the workshop, participants will be guided in applying the knowledge learned, as well as tools and resources provided directly to their work.


Motivating People Doesn't Work. What Does?  

  •   Sept. 24
  •   9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. 
  •   University Memorial Center (UMC) 247

Learners will be able to understand and apply the theories of motivation and engagement to themselves and to their direct reports in order to improve job satisfaction, levels of engagement and commitment. Facilitated by: Gil Vondrasek, MBA; Organizational Development Consultant; Department of Human Resources


Crucial Conversations  

  •   Sept. 24 & 26, Oct. 1, 3
  •   12:30 to 4:30 each day 
  •   Administrative & Research Center (ARC) 346

Crucial Conversations is a two-day course that teaches skills for creating alignment and agreement by fostering open dialogue around high-stakes, emotional, or risky topics – at all levels of the organization.  By learning how to speak and be heard (and encouraging others to do the same), you’ll surface the best ideas, make the highest-quality decisions, and then act on your decisions with unity and commitment.



CliftonStrengths for Faculty & Staff  

  •   Sept. 25
  •   9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. 
  •   Administrative & Research Center (ARC) 346

CliftonStrengths™ Introduction seminar provides an opportunity for ɫƵ employees to identify their natural talents by taking the Clifton StrengthsFinder assessment. During this interactive workshop participants will learn to develop their talents into strengths. These strengths will allow participants to continue developing in their career and enhance working relationships.This course is intended for individuals at all levels of the organization who would benefit from having a deeper understanding of their individual talents and continuing to develop in a way that contributes exponentially to their work and team.

   There is a one-time $12 assessment fee to take the CliftonStrengths assessment. There is no cost to attend the workshops once you have taken the assessment. However, taking the assessment once is required to attend the workshops. 



Sugar, Sugar Everywhere   ​&Բ;

  •   Oct. 2
  •   12:00 to 1:00 p.m. 
  •   University Memorial Center, Room 425

Ask yourself these questions-Do you joke about being “addicted” to sugar? Do you go out of your way to obtain sweets? Do you feel agitation or anxious if you stop eating sugar? If you said yes to any of these questions you may be interested in attending this workshop on sugar. Learn about the correlation between high sugar consumption and heart disease and why sugar could be taking years off of our lives. Be prepared to play the “sugar game” with prizes included and learn how much sugar is contained in the very foods we eat daily.


Emotional Intelligence

  •   Oct. 2 & 9
  •   9:00 to 12:30 p.m. 
  •   Administrative & Research Center (ARC) 346

Emotional Intelligence (EI) is the ability to recognize and understand emotions in yourself and others, and your ability to use this awareness to manage your behavior and relationships. EI has been shown to increase job performance, productivity, and personal excellence. Come to this 2-week series to explore this important ability and gain skills to improve your own emotional intelligence. This is a 2 week series. Participants are asked to participate in both weeks. 


Building Diversity: How to Conduct Inclusive Staff Hiring     

  •   Monday, October 14
  •   1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. 
  •   University Memorial Center (UMC) 247

During this interactive session we will discuss best practices and strategies for minimizing unconscious bias and maximize inclusiveness in the search process.


The 4 Essential Roles of Leadership  

  •   Oct. 16, 23 , 30, Nov. 6
  •   8:30 to 12:30 p.m.
  •    Administrative & Research Center (ARC) 346

Every day leaders are making countless decisions and facing problems they’ve never encountered before. What worked yesterday can change overnight. The rewards are great for those who can lead a team to consistently achieve extraordinary results. So how can leaders stay ahead of the curve and differentiate themselves and their teams when so much is changing so quickly? The 4 Essential Roles of Leadership develops the roles leaders play that are highly predictive of success. The program is ideal for mid to senior level leaders responsible for setting and executing vision and who lead multi-level organizations.

  If this is your first FranklinCovey course since September 1, 2019: $145 (Cost includes All Access Pass); if you have attended one or more FranklinCovey courses since September 1, 2019: $35. 


Highly Effective Manager  

  •   Oct. 16, 23 , 30, Nov. 6
  •   1:00 to 5:00 p.m.
  •    Administrative & Research Center (ARC) 346

The 'Highly Effective Manager' (HEM) course provides foundational knowledge and skills to managing others. The content focuses on best practices in supervising staff and begins with helping participants gain a better understanding of their own management style. ​​​​​​​This is a 4 day program. Participants will identify strategies to engage employees; identify and explore their own management styles with regards to motivation, delegation and development through the use of the DiSC Management behavioral assessment; discover supervision practices that promote inclusion and an appreciation for diversity; identify strategies for navigating workplace conflict; and develop skills to foster team work and problem solving. Employee Management and Compliance Essentials is a critical prerequisite course for supervisors who wish to participate in the Highly Effective Manager (HEM). HEM builds on the foundational knowledge developed in the course.


Leading at the Speed of Trust  

  •   Oct. 8
  •   8:30 to 5:00 p.m.
  •    Administrative & Research Center (ARC) 346

Trust is not merely a soft, social virtue: rather, trust is a pragmatic, hard-edged, economic, and actionable asset that you can create. There is a compelling business case for trust. Teams and organizations that operate with high trust significantly out-perform teams and organizations with low trust. This has been proven in dozens of studies, across a multitude of industries and sectors.The Speed of Trust Practice helps organizations better manage change and create high-performing teams that are agile, collaborative, innovative, and engaged. 

  If this is your first FranklinCovey course since September 1, 2019: $145 (Cost includes All Access Pass); if you have attended one or more FranklinCovey courses since September 1, 2019: $35. 


CU Discover Series: Higher Ed: A Whole Different Animal  

  •   Oct.18
  •   12:00 to 12:45 p.m.
  •   Administrative & Research Center (ARC) 620

The CU Discover series is a component of the comprehensive, year-long onboarding program offered to new employees at ɫƵ. What makes higher education different from other types of organizations and industries? What are the different employee “cultures” in an institution of higher education and what do they value? How are decisions made in higher ed? What do we mean by shared governance? Why does it take so long to get things done? These and many other questions about working in an institution of higher education will be answered in the October CU Discover lunch and learn program. Attendees are invited to bring a lunch for these interactive, informative sessions.


Project Management Essentials: For the Unofficial Project Manager  

  •   Oct. 22
  •   8:30 to 5:00 p.m.
  •    Administrative & Research Center (ARC) 346

  If this is your first FranklinCovey course since September 1, 2019: $145 (Cost includes All Access Pass); if you have attended one or more FranklinCovey courses since September 1, 2019: $35. 

When a project is poorly navigated and falls short of budget and timeline goals, it can cost you more than just money, it can cause irreparable damage to reputation, confidence, and client trust. The answer isn’t just dedicated project managers, but instilling your entire team at every level with project management abilities. For guaranteeing project management success, we’ve studied and learned from the Accredited Project Management Institute (PMI). Distilling their robust processes, we’ve blended their techniques with FranklinCovey’s 30 years of experience and timeless principles to equip people with the skills for consistent project success.


Crucial Conversations Refreshers: Learn to Look

  •    Oct. 24
  •   12:00 to 1:00 p.m.
  •   University Memorial Center, 245

Neuroscience and learning transfer theory tells us that consistently practicing new skills is the biggest predictor to successfully integrating learning into your everyday environment. The Refresher program will provide an interactive opportunity for Crucial Conversations graduates to practice and hone the skills and strategies presented in the original Crucial Conversation training. 


7 Habits of Highly Effective People   

  •   Oct. 29 & 31
  •   8:30 to 5:00 p.m.
  •    Administrative & Research Center (ARC) 346

Habits are powerful forces in our lives. They determine our level of effectiveness or ineffectiveness. The purpose of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People is to help you lead your life in a truly effective way. They represent a proven process of personal and interpersonal growth that can have an immediate and lasting impact. As relevant today as when Stephen R. Covey first wrote them, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People is based on principles of effectiveness that endure.    

  If this is your first FranklinCovey course since September 1, 2019: $145 (Cost includes All Access Pass); if you have attended one or more FranklinCovey courses since September 1, 2019: $35. 



Managers Academy: Employee Management & Compliance Essentials  

  •   Nov. 4 & 5
  •   9:00 to 5:00 p.m.
  •    Administrative & Research Center (ARC) 346

The Employee Management and Compliance Essentials course provides a comprehensive overview for managers and supervisors of legal guidelines, campus policies, and CU-Boulder practices related to employee management and development. The core curriculum includes pre-employment essentials (position management, compensation, and recruitment); employee development guidelines and strategies (onboarding, performance management and progressive discipline); and special topics in employee management (federal and campus policies and procedures related to discrimination and harassment; the Americans with Disabilities Act; and the Family Medical Leave). In addition, participants will select two elective sessions from the following topics; Bystander Intervention, Writing Effective Interview Questions, Service Animals and the ADA, and Managing Difficult Employees


Crucial Conversations Refreshers: Make it Safe

  •    Nov. 5
  •   12:00 to 1:00 p.m.
  •   University Memorial Center, 247

Neuroscience and learning transfer theory tells us that consistently practicing new skills is the biggest predictor to successfully integrating learning into your everyday environment. The Refresher program will provide an interactive opportunity for Crucial Conversations graduates to practice and hone the skills and strategies presented in the original Crucial Conversation training. 


Cultivating Holiday Ease   ​&Բ;

  •   Nov. 6
  •   12:00 -1:00 p.m. 
  •   University Memorial Center, Room 425

While the holiday season can be busy and stressful time of year for many people, it doesn’t have to be. In this session, we will cover practices to help you move through the holidays with more ease, balance, and true care for yourself and others.


The Innovator’s Workshop  

  •   Nov. 7
  •   9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. 
  •   University Memorial Center (UMC) 247

In this highly interactive session, participants will experience techniques and strategies to cultivate innovative thinking and problem solving in organizations. Based on the ‘discovery skills’ from The Innovator’s DNA: Mastering the Five Skills of Disruptive Innovators, participants will apply strategies to current organizational challenges. Learners will be able to identify the difference between discovery and delivery skills; apply innovative techniques to organizational challenges; choose from among multiple strategies to maximize effectiveness; and identify elements of the innovation mindset. Facilitated by:  Merna Jacobsen, PhD, SPHR; Assistant Vice Chancellor and Deputy Chief HR Officer • Director, Organizational and Employee Development; Department of Human Resources


Making Excellence Inclusive 101    

  •   Nov. 7
  •   9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
  •   Administrative & Research Center (ARC) 346

Making Excellence Inclusive 101 provides a foundational understanding of Inclusive Excellence.  An overarching goal of the course is to provide the collective noticing and collective action we can take to build a campus environment and climate we want for ourselves and students. During the workshop, participants will be guided in applying the knowledge learned, as well as tools and resources provided directly to their work.


The 6 Critical Practices For Leading a Team  

  •   Nov. 8
  •   8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. 
  •   Administrative & Research Center (ARC) 346

Supervisors and managers make a significant impact on employee productivity and engagement, innovation, and performance. They are the creators and carriers of culture for their teams and directly influence whether top talent stays or leaves. Their role has always been tough and today’s realities make the role even tougher. Both new and experienced supervisors and managers can struggle when it comes to excelling at leading teams in today’s workplace. The program is ideal for supervisors and managers who need to transition successfully from individual contributors to leaders of others. It also applies to leaders who have been in their roles for some time, and are looking for practical and relevant guidance on how to effectively lead and manage their teams.

  If this is your first FranklinCovey course since September 1, 2019: $145 (Cost includes All Access Pass); if you have attended one or more FranklinCovey courses since September 1, 2019: $35. 


New Employee Welcome Experience  

  •   Nov. 14
  •   8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. 

The New Employee Welcome Experience is the first event in a comprehensive, year-long onboarding experience designed to increase the understanding of ɫƵ’s culture, organizational structure and governance, operations, learning mission, values and campus initiatives. The program is offered to new, permanent employees in their first 12-18 months of employment. The day-long New Employee Welcome Experience event will orient new employees to ɫƵ. The event starts at Old Main in the historic heart of campus, where participants begin to develop their understanding of what it means to be a member of the ɫƵ community. The day includes a two-hour walking tour of campus and a one-hour bus tour broken into two portions throughout the day. Lunch is provided by Elevations Credit Union.


Leading at the Speed of Trust  

  •   Nov. 15
  •   8:30 to 5:00 p.m.
  •    Administrative & Research Center (ARC) 346

Trust is not merely a soft, social virtue: rather, trust is a pragmatic, hard-edged, economic, and actionable asset that you can create. There is a compelling business case for trust. Teams and organizations that operate with high trust significantly out-perform teams and organizations with low trust. This has been proven in dozens of studies, across a multitude of industries and sectors.The Speed of Trust Practice helps organizations better manage change and create high-performing teams that are agile, collaborative, innovative, and engaged. 

  If this is your first FranklinCovey course since September 1, 2019: $145 (Cost includes All Access Pass); if you have attended one or more FranklinCovey courses since September 1, 2019: $35. 


CU Discover Series: Perks & Programs at ɫƵ  

  •   Nov. 15
  •   12:00 to 12:45 p.m.
  •   Administrative & Research Center (ARC) 620

The CU Discover series is a component of the comprehensive, year-long onboarding program offered to new employees at ɫƵ. As a ɫƵ employee, you have access to many perks and programs provided by the university system, campus and local vendors. Bring your lunch and join your fellow new employees to learn from Chrissy Harrison, Onboarding Manager with ɫƵ HR and Deborah Lowe , Benefits Outreach Educator with Employee Services in Denver. Chrissy and Deborah will provide an overview of perks and programs with a live-demonstration of how to access these resources.


Crucial Conversations  

  •   Nov.19 & 21
  •   8:30 to 5:00 p.m.
  •   Administrative & Research Center (ARC) 346

Crucial Conversations is a two-day course that teaches skills for creating alignment and agreement by fostering open dialogue around high-stakes, emotional, or risky topics – at all levels of the organization.  By learning how to speak and be heard (and encouraging others to do the same), you’ll surface the best ideas, make the highest-quality decisions, and then act on your decisions with unity and commitment.



Body Liberation: Examining weight bias through a cultural lens   ​&Բ;

  •   Nov. 19
  •   12:00 -1:00 p.m.
  •   Administrative & Research Center, Room 620

Our bodies are not problems to be solved. We engage in the project of trying to "fix" our bodies because we live in a system that says certain bodies are more worthy and valuable, and certain bodies have more access to certain rights. Weight bias impacts people across the weight spectrum and is a form of oppression that we can - and need to - do something about. Body size is not the problem, but oppression around body size is. We must all seek to learn about weight and size from a cultural lens, and dismantle the weight-biased beliefs that we all hold. This workshop is intended for ɫƵ faculty or staff member who wants to engage in a healthy discussion around societal weight biased beliefs and learn about weight and size from a cultural lens.


CliftonStrengths for Faculty & Staff  

  •   Nov. 20
  •   9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. 
  •   Administrative & Research Center (ARC) 346

CliftonStrengths™ Introduction seminar provides an opportunity for ɫƵ employees to identify their natural talents by taking the Clifton StrengthsFinder assessment. During this interactive workshop participants will learn to develop their talents into strengths. These strengths will allow participants to continue developing in their career and enhance working relationships.This course is intended for individuals at all levels of the organization who would benefit from having a deeper understanding of their individual talents and continuing to develop in a way that contributes exponentially to their work and team.

   There is a one-time $12 assessment fee to take the CliftonStrengths assessment. There is no cost to attend the workshops once you have taken the assessment. However, taking the assessment once is required to attend the workshops. 


Nutrition Tips for Natural Flu Prevention   ​&Բ;

  •   Dec. 4
  •   12:00 -1:00 p.m. 
  •   University Memorial Center, Room 425

Learn how to strengthen your immune system to help prevent the flu naturally. This talk will highlight which foods and nutrients can protect you and your family and which foods and habits can decrease immune function. If the flu, or even colds, runs rampant through the office each season, these tips can help keep everyone healthier.


5 Choices of Extraordinary Productivity  

  •   Dec. 9, 10 & 11
  •   2:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. 
  •   Administrative & Research Center (ARC) 346

Each day brings with it a new wave of urgencies that compete for our attention. Texts, emails, calls, meetings and more, all converge on our already full schedules. The result is a sense of being busy without actually being productive, which leaves people feeling burned out and unfulfilled. The sheer volume of daily distractions threatens our ability to think clearly and to make wise decisions about what is important. The 5 Choices to Extraordinary Productivity empowers people with clear discernment to avoid distractions and to accomplish the goals that matter most in their professional and personal lives. Supported by science and years of experience, The 5 Choices not only produce a measurable increase in productivity, but provide a renewed sense of engagement and accomplishment.

  If this is your first FranklinCovey course since September 1, 2019: $145 (Cost includes All Access Pass); if you have attended one or more FranklinCovey courses since September 1, 2019: $35. 


Developing Intercultural Competence Seminar    

  •    Dec. 10
  •   9:00 to 11:30 a.m.
  •   Administrative & Research Center (ARC) 346

ɫƵ is committed to a strong campus climate in which all students, staff, and faculty thrive and feel a sense of commitment to and from our community.  Creating this depends on our ability to shift cultural perspectives and appropriately adapt behaviors to cultural differences and commonalities.   This workshop is open to all ɫƵ faculty and staff interested in learning more about intercultural competence and how the Intercultural Development Inventory (IDI) can assess, and build upon, your own level of intercultural competence.  ɫƵ IDI qualified administrators will guide you through attitudes, awareness, knowledge, and skills associated with creating an inclusive campus environment.


New Employee Welcome Experience  

  •   Dec. 12
  •   8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. 

The New Employee Welcome Experience is the first event in a comprehensive, year-long onboarding experience designed to increase the understanding of ɫƵ’s culture, organizational structure and governance, operations, learning mission, values and campus initiatives. The program is offered to new, permanent employees in their first 12-18 months of employment. The day-long New Employee Welcome Experience event will orient new employees to ɫƵ. The event starts at Old Main in the historic heart of campus, where participants begin to develop their understanding of what it means to be a member of the ɫƵ community. The day includes a two-hour walking tour of campus and a one-hour bus tour broken into two portions throughout the day. Lunch is provided by Elevations Credit Union.


Crucial Accountability  

  •   Dec.17
  •   8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. 
  •   Administrative & Research Center (ARC) 346

Building on the skills taught in Crucial Conversations, Crucial Accountability teaches a step-by-step process for identifying and resolving performance gaps, strengthening accountability, eliminating inconsistency, and reducing resentment. This course teaches: 

  • Performance accountability - Participants learn how to talk about expectations in a way that yields two-way accountability and allows further progress to be made.
  • How to accelerate problem solving - Consistent application of the skills leads to faster problem solving, decision-making, and conflict resolution.
  • How to improve relationships & productivity - When issues are resolved and focus is restored, productivity increases, relationships are strengthened, and high-performance cultures are formed.

  There is a $180 materials fee.


Crucial Conversations Refreshers: Explore Other Paths

  •    Dec. 18
  •   12:00 to 1:00 p.m.
  •   University Memorial Center, 247

Neuroscience and learning transfer theory tells us that consistently practicing new skills is the biggest predictor to successfully integrating learning into your everyday environment. The Refresher program will provide an interactive opportunity for Crucial Conversations graduates to practice and hone the skills and strategies presented in the original Crucial Conversation training. 

Fall is here which means pumpkin spice everything, football games (Go Buffs!) and of course fall learning and development.


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Tue, 27 Aug 2019 21:45:15 +0000 Anonymous 1231 at /hr
CU Discover Lunch & Learn: Perks and Programs for Employees at ɫƵ /hr/2019/08/26/cu-discover-lunch-learn-perks-and-programs-employees-cu-boulder CU Discover Lunch & Learn: Perks and Programs for Employees at ɫƵ Anonymous (not verified) Mon, 08/26/2019 - 11:20 Categories: HR News Tags: New Employees Session Information

  Friday, Sept. 20

  12:00 - 12:45 p.m.

  Administrative Research Center (ARC), Room 620

As a ɫƵ employee, you have access to many perks and programs provided by the university system, campus and local vendors. Bring your lunch and join your fellow new employees to learn from Chrissy Harrison, Onboarding Manager with ɫƵ HR and Deborah Lowe , Benefits Outreach Educator with Employee Services in Denver. Chrissy and Deborah will provide an overview of perks and programs with a live-demonstration of how to access these resources.

At the end of the session, participants will: 

  • Understand what perks and programs are available for ɫƵ employees. 
  • Understand how to access resources to connect to the perks and programs. 

What is the CU Discover series? 

As a component of the comprehensive, year-long onboarding program sponsored by the Department of Human Resources, the CU Discover Series is offered to new employees at ɫƵ in their first 12-18 months of employment.

If you require an accommodation for hearing, vision, or other reasons, please let us know by the close of business one week prior to the session and we will follow up with you to determine an accommodation to meet your needs.


As a ɫƵ employee, you have access to many perks and programs provided by the university system, campus and local vendors.


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Mon, 26 Aug 2019 17:20:55 +0000 Anonymous 1183 at /hr
Be a part of something bigger: Zero Waste & You Workshop /hr/2019/08/15/be-part-something-bigger-zero-waste-you-workshop Be a part of something bigger: Zero Waste & You Workshop Anonymous (not verified) Thu, 08/15/2019 - 15:35 Categories: HR News Tags: Development New Employees Session Information

  Sept. 4

  12:00 -1:00 p.m. 

  University Memorial Center, Room 425

While over 100 million people recycle daily, recycling alone will not end our dependency on landfills and incinerators, nor reverse the rapid depletion of our natural resources, “Zero Waste” is a new way of looking at our waste stream, where discards are seen not as trash, but as valuable resources. Learn about the guiding principles of Zero Waste, find out how you can help support the Zero Waste effort, and see how our community is serving as a Zero waste model for the rest of the world.


Learning Objectives

Participants will be able to:

  • Recognize new ways of looking at our waste stream
  • Learn about the guiding principles of Zero Waste
  • Find out how you can help support the Zero Waste effort

Who should attend

 This workshop is intended for Any ɫƵ faculty or staff member who want to learn more about making their workplace, living space and local community a more clean environment.


Nick Miranda grew up in the Bay Area before moving to Boulder in 2004 to attend CU.  At CU he studied politics, which got him involved and interested in environmental policy and politics.  During his time there, he ran a zero waste program for an electronic music festival in Boulder called Communikey.  He coordinated with venues, worked with Eco-Cycle for hauling and best practices, and instituted a bike rental program.  Nick spends all of my free time now biking or hiking around the Rockies. Dan decided to take on the responsibility of recycling at CU in the Spring of 2006, bringing him to be involved in one of the most established campus recycling programs in the nation. This CU Recycling Program is an appropriate destination for Dan¹s path since many of his steps to get here were walked next to bottles and cans. Starting his recycling mentality at Babson College, where he managed and expanded the campus recycling program to include all residence halls and a sorting process to generate revenue from the waste stream. While earning a B.S. in Business Administration with a focus on Entrepreneurship, Dan also served as an intern to the Recycling Coordinator for the City of Nashua, NH. This experience provided a direct knowledge of the impacts that a recycling center has on a city¹s waste stream. With the CU Recycling program, Dan can help to foster a sense of environmental stewardship among students for them to carry with them for the rest of their lives. Day to day functions involve managing the recycling student staff, who are the life force of the recycling program, organizing recycling at special events on campus, working with the outreach team to spread awareness of recycling on campus, and working with the Green Teams to reach the students off campus.


Interested in more self-care workshops? 

Ins and Outs of Perfectionism: What is it and how does it affect me?  

It is widely believed that perfectionism leads to productivity, but this is a myth. Perfectionists are no more productive than non-perfectionists and experience high levels of stress. Perfectionism also links to a variety physical and mental health issues. In this workshop, Sarah Amberg, LPCC, will present on the roots of perfectionism and its impact on work/life balance using evidence based data, as well as, her personal experiences as a therapist and recovering perfectionist. 


  12:00 -1:00 p.m. 

  Administrative & Research Center (ARC) 346

Facilitated by:

Sarah Amberg has an MA in Clinical Mental Health Counseling and an MFA in Creative Writing. She works as a therapist at an addiction treatment center and in private practice. Before entering the field of mental health counseling, Sarah worked as a high school English teacher. She identifies as a recovering perfectionist and is passionate about sharing her experiences and knowledge with others.


Find out how you can help support the Zero Waste effort, and see how our community is serving as a Zero waste model for the rest of the world.


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Thu, 15 Aug 2019 21:35:22 +0000 Anonymous 1223 at /hr
Work-Life Win: 5 Awesome Development Opportunities for Faculty & Staff /hr/2019/08/08/work-life-win-5-awesome-development-opportunities-faculty-staff Work-Life Win: 5 Awesome Development Opportunities for Faculty & Staff Anonymous (not verified) Thu, 08/08/2019 - 10:51 Categories: HR News Tags: Development New Employees

From our tuition assistance benefit to online learning libraries, ɫƵ employees have access to thousands of low-cost or free learning and development opportunities. Here are five awesome programs to help you curate a learning experience to meet your development needs. 

Employee Learning Programs

Human Resources offers a comprehensive learning catalog to ɫƵ employees through Organization and Employee Development and the Faculty and Staff Assistance Program.

Click the title of upcoming courses to register early as space fills up quickly.

    • Dec. 9, 10 & 11; 2:30 - 4:30 pm each day
    • Nov. 8; 8:30-430 p.m.
    • Oct. 29 & 31, 2019; 8:30 am - 5:00 each day
    • Sept. 25; 9am - 12:00 p.m.
    • Nov. 20; 9am - 12:00 p.m.
    • Sept. 24 & 26, Oct. 1, 3; 12:30 - 4:30 each day 
    • Nov. 19 & 21; Full Days
    • Dec. 17; Full Day
    • Sept. 24; 9:00 am to 12:00 pm
      • Sept. 11; 1:00 - 3:30 p.m.
      • Dec. 10; 9:00 - 11:30 a.m. 
      • Oct. 2 & 9; 9:00 am - 12:30 pm
      • Oct. 18, 2019; 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
      • Nov. 15, 2019; 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
      • Sept. 23; 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
      • Nov. 7; 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
      • Nov. 4 & 5; Full Days
      • Oct. 16, 23 , 30, Nov. 6; Half Days
      • Oct. 22, 2019; 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

      Explore Employee Learning Programs


    Anderson Language and Technology Center (ALTEC) Language Classes

    Join the Anderson Language and Technology Center (ALTEC) in our engaging language classes! Evening classes are perfect for busy adults with a desire to learn new languages and cultures. These classes are non-credit with no tests and our students are highly motivated to learn the language for use in their profession, social life and travels. CU employees receive a discount on tuition. Visit the ALTEC Language Classes website for more information.

    Classes are once a week from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. beginning the week of September 9, 2019: 

    • French: Beginning, Intermediate, Advanced
    • Italian: Beginning, Intermediate
    • Japanese: Beginning
    • Spanish: Beginning, Intermediate, Advanced
    • Thai: Beginning

      Find your next language class with ALTEC


    CU on Coursera

    CU on Coursera is a unique offering of 100+ Coursera courses taught by faculty across ɫƵ, CU Anschutz Medical Campus, CU Denver, and UCCS. These courses are available at no cost to all faculty, students, and staff currently at any of the four CU campuses or system office. 

    Your colleagues are using CU on Coursera for personal enrichment, professional development, and lifelong learning. Explore this high quality content and find something new to learn! CU on Coursera is co-sponsored by the Provost’s Office for Academic Innovation at ɫƵ, and the Office of Digital Education and Engagement at CU System.

    A sample of courses Include: 

    • Basics of Inclusive Design for Online Education
    • Business Analytics for Decision Making
    • Business Writing
    • Compassionate Leadership Through Service Learning with Jane Goodall
    • Graphic Design
    • Giving Helpful Feedback
    • Introduction to Data Analytics for Business
    • Predictive Modeling and Analytics
    • Teamwork Skills: Communicating Effectively in Groups
    • Control of Nonlinear Spacecraft Attitude Motion
    • Data Structures and Design Patterns for Game Developers
    • Enterprise System Management and Security
    • Excel/VBA For Creative Problem Solving, Part 1, 2, 3
    • Introduction to C# Programming and Unity
    • Intermediate Object-Oriented Programming for Unity Games
    • Kinetics: Studying Spacecraft Motion
    • Planning, Auditing, and Maintaining Enterprise Systems
    • The Teacher’s Social and Emotional Learning
    size=one-third order=last
    • Communicating Business Analytics Results
    • Design and Analyze Secure Networked Systems
    • First Steps in Making the Business Case for Sustainability
    • Introduction to Cybersecurity for Business
    • Kinematics: Describing the Motions of Spacecraft
    • Medical Emergencies: Airway, Breathing, and Circulation
    • Requirements Gathering for Secure Software Development
    • Software Design as an Element of the Software Development Lifecycle
    • Software Design Methods and Tools


    University Libraries

    Borrowing materials from University Libraries is simple with your Buff OneCard. ɫƵ faculty and staff  can borrow .

      Discover the University Libraries


    Campus Writing Center 

    The ɫƵ Writing Center offers writers from all academic disciplines and skill levels the opportunity to work one-on-one with professionally trained writing consultants. We help writers at all stages of the writing process from brainstorming through revision....Services are FREE to CU students, faculty, staff and alumni.

      Learn more about the Campus Writing Center

    Five programs to help you curate a learning experience to meet your development needs. 


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    Thu, 08 Aug 2019 16:51:24 +0000 Anonymous 1207 at /hr
    CU Discover Lunch & Learn: Faculty and Staff Assistance Program /hr/2019/08/01/cu-discover-lunch-learn-faculty-and-staff-assistance-program CU Discover Lunch & Learn: Faculty and Staff Assistance Program Anonymous (not verified) Thu, 08/01/2019 - 10:23 Categories: HR News Tags: Development New Employees Session Information

      Friday, Aug. 16

      12:00 - 12:45 p.m.

      Administrative Research Center 620


    The Faculty and Staff Assistance Program is dedicated to serving the emotional and psychological needs of the campus community. Paulette Erickson England, Director, Faculty and Staff Assistance Program (FSAP) will introduce the FSAP programs, what it means to be part of a psychologically healthy workplace and how you can take advantage of this benefit as a Faculty or Staff member of ɫƵ.  CU Discover elective sessions will be held over the lunch hour once a month. Attendees are invited to bring a lunch for these interactive, informative sessions.

    At the end of the session, participants will:

    • Understand the employee assistance program provided to ɫƵ faculty and staff as a benefit of employment.
    • Understand the definition of a psychologically healthy workplace.
    • Understand how to access the services of the Faculty and Staff Assistance Program at ɫƵ.


    What is the CU Discover series? 

    As a component of the comprehensive, year-long onboarding program sponsored by the Department of Human Resources, the CU Discover Series is offered to new employees at ɫƵ in their first 12-18 months of employment. Learn more about the CU Discover Series.


    Questions? Contact

    As a component of the comprehensive, year-long onboarding program sponsored by the Department of Human Resources, the CU Discover Series is offered to new employees at ɫƵ in their first 12-18 months of employment.


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    Thu, 01 Aug 2019 16:23:23 +0000 Anonymous 1181 at /hr