
  • veronica baker desert running
    Veronica Baker Amores ( ) graduated from CU in 2015 with a dual major in International Affairs and Political Science, and a certificate in Peace, Conflict, and Security Studies. As an undergrad, she spent a total of
  • congratulations
    Congratulations to the IAFS Honors Graduates! Honors are awarded by the University Honors Council on the basis of: overall academic record, performance in the writing of an honors thesis, and performance in an oral exam. Candidates for honors
  • Ben Teitelbaum
    Congratulations to IAFS faculty member, Benjamin Teitelbaum, for an award in Excellence in Research, Scholarly, and Creative Work!
  • baseball
    Major League Baseball has hit a home run it appears. A series of rule changes have pumped much-needed life back into the game and produced a product that analysts say make the game vastly more enjoyable and watchable for both casual and
  • working
    We are excited to announce that we are hiring multiple student staff positions for the Fall of 2023! The VRC is a diverse team full of individuals who are excited to connect students with resources, engage and plan service opportunities for our
  • tesol
    This Maymester (May 15-Jun 2), Dr. Rai Farrelly is offering LING 4630/LING 5630 - TESOL Principles and Practices. This upper division LING course aims to introduce the field of Teaching English to Speakers of Other languages through readings,
  • group meeting
    The International Affairs Program and the International Affairs Advisory Board are pleased to announce the establishment of the International Affairs Student Advisory Board (SAB). The IAFS SAB will formally launch in the 2023 Fall Semester to ensure
  • buff statue
    The Peace, Conflict, and Security Program (PACS) has been approved as an affiliate campus member of the Chancellor's Center for Leadership! The center unites leadership programs across campus to support programming and research. Being an
  • teach for america students
    Teach for America is offering opportunities for students! Check out what they have to offer below.    Freshmen and sophomores: Are you looking for a fall internship?   Apply to Teach for America's
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