
Rothgerber Moot Court Competition Moved to Remote Format

This event has ended.

When Tuesday, March 17, 2020
4:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Location Online
For Public; Faculty; Staff; Students; Alumni
Cost Thee is no cost to attend this event

All in-person portions of the event are canceled.

At this time, we have arranged for the Rothgerber Moot Court Competition, Colorado Law's premier appellate advocacy showcase, to take place virtually via the Zoom videoconferencing platform. At the scheduled start time of the meeting please join the meeting using the link below.

This year, we are pleased to welcome the following judges: The Honorable Allison Eid, Judge, U.S. Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit; The Honorable Richard Gabriel, Justice, Colorado Supreme Court; and The Honorable Jaclyn Brown, Judge, Colorado Court of Appeals.

The student finalists include Neil Sandhu ('21) and Paul Chin ('21) on behalf of the Petitioner and Danielle Trujillo ('21) and Aja Robbins ('21) on behalf of the Respondent.

Registration is not required. Wittemyer Courtroom will be closed the day of the event. Participation is online only.

More Information

Contact Emily Horowitz
Website https://cuboulder.zoom.us/s/265540515