Mayhoffer Farm Management Plan

Group Members: Cara Potter, Ethan Abner, Jena Van Gerwen
This project will create a compelling vision and provide a comprehensive land management plan for the Mayhoffer Farm property, a high-value land acquisition for Boulder County Parks and Open Space, the City of Lafayette, and the City of Louisville. It has the potential to serve a variety of community needs, including wildlife conservation, agriculture, recreation, cultural interpretation and education. In addition to these land-use goals, all three municipalities have identified this property as an opportunity to improve access for traditionally marginalized and underrepresented communities (e.g.. Latinx, youth, elderly, disabled). Engaging with these communities, local leaders, resource specialists, and other key interest groups, and incorporating their input will be a crucial part of this project and the plan’s development. Creating this plan will require document reviews, stakeholder interviews, public surveys, and spatial data analysis. Expected deliverables at the end of this project include a fully developed and approved land management plan and an ArcGIS StoryMap that provides a place-based, public-facing representation of the property and the MENV team's plan. The students will also present their plan to six bodies of approval in Boulder, Louisville, and Lafayette.