Music education  /music/ en Outstanding winter 2024 undergraduate: Clarrisse Bosman /music/2024/12/13/outstanding-winter-2024-undergraduate-clarrisse-bosman Outstanding winter 2024 undergraduate: Clarrisse Bosman Mariefaith Lane Fri, 12/13/2024 - 01:00 Tags: Faculty Music education  Students Woodwinds Adam Goldstein

Photo credit: Hao Zhou

A complaint about high frequencies would prove fateful for Clarrisse Bosman and her future path as a musician and educator.

Bosman, who will graduate from ɫƵ’s College of Music this winter with bachelor’s degrees in both bassoon performance and instrumental music education, recalls the moment that led her to the largest instrument in any typical orchestra.

“I started playing music on the flute. I was practicing one day, and my mother couldn’t stand the high register,” says Bosman, adding that she was asked to find some other musical means to express herself. She obliged, opting for an instrument at the other end of the register in terms of pitch and size. “I said, ‘Okay, I’ll pick the largest instrument that I can get my hands on.”

Bosman, who’s apt to chuckle as she points out that she’s a 5-foot-2 musician playing an instrument that normally measures about 4-foot-5, quickly made an immediate and profound connection to the bassoon—one that helped steer her course through Cherry Creek High School in Englewood and then at ɫƵ.

“I fell in love with it. It’s so unique. It literally stands out among the orchestra,” Bosman continues. “I knew that I wanted to pursue music and especially music education. I’ve always had a passion for music education and teaching people.”

The decision to build on the musical foundations she built in high school at ɫƵ boiled down largely to faculty, she says. When it came to finding a mentor that could offer her direction—both in terms of her own performance and her ability to inspire others—she found a perfect fit in Yoshiyuki Ishikawa, professor of bassoon.

“For me, music and where I chose to study depended on the professor,” she reiterates. “ɫƵ has set me up for success in the teaching world. I’m grateful to have had such great mentors in the College of Music.”

Specifically, our program offered Bosman the chance to come into her own as a soloist, even as it provided opportunities to build real-world teaching experiences in classrooms across the Denver metro area, including a stint at Campus Middle School, literally next door to her former high school. Along with student teaching and practicums at Sunset Middle School, Horizon High School and other institutions, these experiences helped Bosman develop her own teaching style.

“I have a diverse teaching portfolio—I’ve taught concert band, jazz band and orchestra as well as mariachi ensemble. Usually students choose to only student teach in one area, but it’s been fun to have the opportunity to specialize in different areas,” she says. “Nothing prepares you like putting it into practice. ɫƵ provides rigorous challenges and puts us into actual classrooms.”

Bosman developed her teaching experience as she found opportunities to perform for audiences. One of her most memorable concerts came in the midst of a crisis, she says.

“My apartment caught on fire the night before my senior recital,” she remembers, crediting ɫƵ’s Basic Needs Center for providing assistance in the face of the emergency. “I grabbed my concert heels, my dress and a few belongings and woke up the next day like nothing happened. I had to put on my senior recital. It’s the concert that stands out the most,” she adds, noting that her bassoon was safe in her locker at school and that the performance ultimately turned out successful.

Bosman, who balanced several different interests and passions in high school, found the same equilibrium at ɫƵ. Even as she honed her skills as a musician and teacher, she continued pursuing other interests and passions—for example, she served as the ɫƵ Ice Skating Club president, coached members of the Ice Skating Club and participated in several on-campus programs. She notes that ɫƵ provides incredible opportunities and support programs, especially through the Center for Inclusion and Social Change which was instrumental as a first-generation student being the first in her family to graduate college.

Bosman dedicated herself to finding a well-rounded existence at ɫƵ—just as she pursued dual degrees that align with the college’s universal musician approach which aims to develop multiskilled artists who are equipped to make a difference in our world as broadly-based professionals.

That dynamic will remain with Bosman as she preps for her next steps. She knows she loves teaching, particularly at the middle school level; and she knows no matter where she travels, her passion for music and teaching will follow.

“I have plans to be a substitute teacher for music until more full-time positions open up and I’m exploring coaching opportunities in the figure skating world,” she notes. “I’m also a traveling spirit and I would be open to something a little more tropical if it ever arises. (But) I do keep music at my heart.”

The ɫƵ’s winter 2024 degree conferral is Dec. 19. To all our inspiring, accomplished graduates, CONGRATULATIONS and welcome to the Forever Buffs family—we hope you’ll join us for our spring 2025 recognition ceremony!

Meet Clarrisse Bosman who graduates this month with bachelor’s degrees in both bassoon performance and instrumental music education!


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Fri, 13 Dec 2024 08:00:00 +0000 Mariefaith Lane 9116 at /music
Joshua Russell named 2024 Distinguished Alumnus /music/2024/04/24/joshua-russell-named-2024-distinguished-alumnus Joshua Russell named 2024 Distinguished Alumnus Anonymous (not verified) Wed, 04/24/2024 - 00:00 Tags: Alumni Music education  MarieFaith Lane

The ɫƵ College of Music is thrilled to announce esteemed music educator (PhD ’07) as the recipient of our 2024 Distinguished Alumnus Award

Russell currently serves as professor of music education at The Hartt School of the University of Hartford where he teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in music ed and string pedagogy, and directs the Hartt String Project.

With degrees from Indiana, Shepherd and Northwestern universities—before earning a doctorate at our College of Music—Russell exemplifies what it means to be a universal musician: Beyond his earned expertise in classical, jazz and contemporary musical styles, his research interests include musician health, teacher education, string education and psycho-social/cognitive development in musical learning and teaching. 

Reflecting on his College of Music experience, Russell recalls the significant impact of his mentors and peers in shaping his career trajectory: “I was lucky to have some great opportunities to work with professors of music education Jim Austin and Margaret Berg—and halfway through my time, Associate Professor of Music Education Martina Miranda came to Colorado. The faculty were amazing to me.”

He adds, “My fellow students also contributed to my positive experience at the College of Music—I’m still great friends with many of them. People make an institution and they taught me the value of being able to ‘fail’ and still be treated with dignity and kindness.”

Russell further emphasizes the importance of resilience as instilled by his mentors and colleagues, calling it “approximations of success”—that is, pursuing incremental goals that ultimately lead to a larger goal. “Say you have an end goal of playing a beautiful concerto,” he explains. “Before you achieve that, you need to be able to produce a good tone. After that, you need to have the finger facility. 

“Jim Austin taught me the importance of mastery motivation theory, which I’ve applied to my career … and continue to teach my students.”

Discovering mentors can be challenging, but Russell shares his approach: “Seek out somebody who does the kind of work that you want to do, and who does it in a way that you appreciate and respect. 

“For me, kindness is paramount. I’ve found that some of the most amazing performers or brilliant scholars I’ve encountered are also some of the nicest, kindest human beings.”

Universal musicianship
In a field where specialization may seem the epitome of success, Russell’s success proves that being versatile and flexible is both professionally advantageous and personally fulfilling. 

“The world needs universal musicians,” he says. “Professionally—for performers, teachers, scholars—that means thinking broadly when you set goals for yourself. As one of my mentors said, ‘If you’re overly focused on one goal, you’re going to miss all the shiny stuff on the side … and there’s a lot of shiny stuff off to the side.” 

Russell further believes that understanding one’s motivations is crucial to musical fulfillment: “Be aware of the underlying reasons for what you’re doing,” he advises. 

He’s also observed a shift toward prioritizing service to others over musical outcomes—which he views with optimism. “What I love about this generation of musicians and scholars is that their approach to music is more ‘humanistic’—whereas we used to be more focused on student achievement and process. I think both worldviews are valuable and important for music educators and scholars today.”

Prior to his roles at the University of Hartford, Russell taught here at ɫƵ, as well as instrumental music (orchestra and guitar) and general music (grades 4-12) in Colorado and northern Virginia. He also taught at the University of Arkansas at Fayetteville, conducted several youth symphonies, and was the founding director of the Loudoun County String Orchestra and after-school program. 

Russell currently serves on several editorial boards and—in addition to authoring Statistics in Music Education (Oxford University Press)—his research articles have been widely published. He often presents his research throughout the United States and abroad.

Congratulations on your well-earned distinction, Joshua Russell!

At the College of Music’s commencement ceremony on May 9, we’ll welcome esteemed music educator Joshua Russell back to campus—and present him the College of Music’s 2024 Distinguished Alumnus Award!


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Wed, 24 Apr 2024 06:00:00 +0000 Anonymous 8925 at /music