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Political Science Club Wants You!

Interested in building a community with other Political Science Majors? The Political Science Club is looking for new members. If you would like to work with others to create an inclusive environment to discuss politics and current events, organize and participate in activities (like election watch parties), connect more with other students, explore career options, and more - the club would like you to join! The club is also looking to hold elections to fill all leadership positions.Ìý

If interested in either joining and/or running for a position, please reach out to Damon Roberts (damon.roberts-1@colorado.edu), the Graduate Student Advisor. If interested in running for a position, please let Damon know which position and provide a brief (less than 2 minute) pitch as to why you believe that you would do well in the role. Information about when the election will be held and when the Fall, 2020 meetings will be held will be shared soon.

polisci club