Shattered Innocence - Gabrielle Riser
Video Art
A short video contrasting the innocence of childhood versus how fast and brutally it can be ripped away from you. Leaving you asking yourself how you got here, and missing where you were.

Gabrielle Riser
Born and raised in a town smack dab in the middle of Denver and Boulder called Arvada. Since I can remember I have always felt out of place of felt a little different. Instead of barbies I wanted GI Joes and instead of princess movies I prefered Spider-Man or Star Wars. At 23 years old sometimes I still feel a little out of place, but I know I am exactly where I am supposed to be and cant wait to see where the rest of life takes me.
Shattered Innocence
A short video containing clips from home videos I had converted from tapes to digital. The home video clips contrast the present day footage (all shot by me) by representing the ups and downs of life, and how much more complicated things become as you get older. I used the song Ribs by Lorde over the visuals because the song is about growing up and missing what you had before and it has always been very emotional for me. The video aims for feelings nostolgia and grief for ones innocence, as well as the role substance abuse plays in stripping the soul bare.