Honors Program

The goal of the Honors Program is to acknowledge highly motivated students who excel both in the classroom and in research and to provide such students with special educational opportunities. This page describes the Department of Psychology and Neuroscience Honors Program. Students interested in General Honors are referred to the .
Honors Council Members
- Eliana Colunga (پٴǰ),Eliana.Colunga@colorado.edu, 303-492-4282
- Mike Baratta, Michael.Baratta@Colorado.edu
Department Honors Council Representatives
- David Allen, David.L.Allen@colorado.edu
- McKell Carter, Mckell.Carter@Colorado.EDU
- Veronica Derricks, Veronica.Derricks@colorado.edu
- June Gruber, June.Gruber@colorado.edu
- Al Kim, Albert.Kim@colorado.edu
- Erik Knight, Erik.Knight@colorado.edu
- Akira Miyake, Akira.Miyake@Colorado.edu
- Susanna Molas, Susanna.Molas@colorado.edu
- David Root, David.Root@colorado.edu
New for AY 2024-2025:Please completeby 09/24/24, especially if you need help finding an honors representative. Note that his process is internal to the department and is meant to be helpful and not disqualifying in any way, so if you miss the 09/24 deadline and still want help, emailcolunga@colorado.edu.
Also, please note that this short form isNOTtheregistration with the honors office; you should still complete the by 10/02/24.
Maintain a high GPA. Guidelines adopted by the Honors Council are a 3.3 GPA for graduating “cum laude,” 3.5 GPA for “magna cum laude,” and 3.8 GPA for “summa cum laude.” These are guidelines and the Honors Council occasionally awards an honors designation inconsistent with these guidelines depending on the quality of the honors thesis. Students with a GPA of less than 3.3 who are interested should contact the Honors Director. Completing a research thesis is a rewarding experience whether or not one graduates with honors. Conducting research in collaboration with a professor is one of the most important educational opportunities uniquely available at a research institution like the University of Colorado.
Honors Thesis. Honors students must conduct an empirical research project under the supervision of a faculty member, write a thesis based on that research, and defend the thesis before a committee of three faculty members. The examining committee includes (a) the student's thesis advisor, (b) one of the departmental representatives to the Honors Council, and (c) a faculty member outside the Department of Psychology and Neuroscience. It is up to the student to form the committee and to schedule the defense date.
Students intending to graduate with departmental honors must complete a registration packet, which can be obtainedor in person at the Honors Program office (Norlin Library M400L). The university deadline for completing this registration packet is around the middle of the semester before you intend to graduate.
Students may also register for a maximum of 3 credits of Senior Thesis (PSYC/NRSC 4011) for the semester that they defend their thesis. To do so, students must complete a form available online or in the Advising Office (D260 Muenzinger). This form needs to be signed by your thesis advisor and by one of the departmental representatives to the Honors Council.
Important Dates
It is important that you inform us about your interest in graduating with honors as soon as possible. The university deadline for completing the application packet for graduation with Honors is around the middle of the semester before you intend to graduate. Note: Exact dates are available from the (look undertheRegistration and Deadlines heading). The thesis defense may be completed anytime before the deadline.