Fall 2018 /registrar/ en OIT Grading Drop-In Support Sessions, 12/13 & 12/19 /registrar/2018/12/12/oit-grading-support-sessions OIT Grading Drop-In Support Sessions, 12/13 & 12/19 Anonymous (not verified) Wed, 12/12/2018 - 00:00 Tags: Faculty & Staff Announcements Fall 2018 Training & Events

These one-hour drop-in support sessions are for instructors who would like to get individual assistance with Gradebook in D2L or Canvas. We can help you with general Gradebook settings, grade item calculation settings, final grade calculation, and any other questions you might have about grading in Canvas or D2L. Learning Technology Consultants will be available during the session to provide assistance. Register now [registration is closed].

Dates: Thursday, Dec. 13 & Wednesday, Dec. 19, 2018Time: 2–3 p.m.Location: CASE W311  These one-hour drop-in support sessions are for instructors who would like to get individual assistance with Gradebook in D2L or Canvas.


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Wed, 12 Dec 2018 07:00:00 +0000 Anonymous 2213 at /registrar
Drop-In Hours: 2019–20 ÌÒÉ«ÊÓƵ Catalog, 10/18 /registrar/2018/10/17/catalog-drop-in-hours Drop-In Hours: 2019–20 ÌÒÉ«ÊÓƵ Catalog, 10/18 Anonymous (not verified) Wed, 10/17/2018 - 00:00 Tags: 2019–20 Curriculum & Catalog Faculty & Staff Announcements Fall 2018 Training & Events

As announced to our , we're kicking off workflows for academic pages in the 2019–20 university catalog this week. In addition, Thursday marks our first drop-in session for this cycle.

If you’re a catalog contributor who's new to the process, or if you're a returning contributor who could use a refresher, we hope one of our scheduled drop-in sessions will fit your schedule. There’s no need to make an appointment—just grab a laptop and come on by!

Date: Thursday, Oct. 18, 2018Time: 10:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m.Location: Regent 1B60 (lower level) 


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Wed, 17 Oct 2018 06:00:00 +0000 Anonymous 2221 at /registrar
Drop-In Hours: Student Records Reporting, 10/25 /registrar/2018/10/17/student-records-reporting-drop-in-hours Drop-In Hours: Student Records Reporting, 10/25 Anonymous (not verified) Wed, 10/17/2018 - 00:00 Tags: Faculty & Staff Announcements Fall 2018 Training & Events

Have questions about CU-Data? Want to meet the team? If so, drop by Regent 1B60 on Thursday, Oct. 25, during the times below. No appointment necessary!

With the transition to CU-Data on Oct. 31, the reporting workgroup is making themselves available for additional troubleshooting, questions and feedback. All are welcome.

Can’t make this session? Look for future announcements about workshops, roadmaps and drop-in hours.

Date: Thursday, Oct. 25, 2018Times: 9–11:30 a.m. & 12:30–3:30 p.m.Location: Regent 1B60 (lower level) 


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Wed, 17 Oct 2018 06:00:00 +0000 Anonymous 2219 at /registrar
NOW LIVE: New Course Proposal & Revision Forms /registrar/2018/09/18/new-course-proposal-revision-forms NOW LIVE: New Course Proposal & Revision Forms Anonymous (not verified) Tue, 09/18/2018 - 00:00 Tags: Curriculum & Catalog Faculty & Staff Announcements Fall 2018 Academic Scheduling

As you may have seen in yesterday’s faculty-staff edition of ÌÒÉ«ÊÓƵ Today, we’ve officially launched our new online !

These forms have many of the same fields as the previous PDF forms, but intuitive enhancements make the entire process more efficient, transparent and collaborative. We’ll post online support resources in the next few days, but you can also sign up for a role-specific, in-person support session:

  • : These sessions will focus on how to fill out and submit an online course proposal or revision form.
    • Thursday, Sept. 20, 10:30–11:30 a.m., UMC 417
    • Thursday, Sept. 27, 1:30–2:30 p.m., UMC 417
  • : These sessions will focus on how to review and approve online course proposals or revisions.
    • Thursday, Sept. 20, noon–1 p.m., UMC 417
    • Thursday, Sept. 27, 3–4 p.m., UMC 417

Seating is limited, so please RSVP for your preferred session by clicking on one of the links above. Alternatively, if you have a group of five or more, we’re happy to come to you; email us at academicscheduling@colorado.edu to schedule a group training session.

We’ll continue to accept course proposals and revisions submitted using the old paper forms through Sept. 30.

We've officially launched our new online Course Proposal and Course Revision Forms. We’ll post online support resources in the next few days, but you can also sign up for a role-specific, in-person support session.


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Tue, 18 Sep 2018 06:00:00 +0000 Anonymous 1973 at /registrar
New Course Proposal & Revision Forms /registrar/2018/09/11/new-course-proposal-revision-forms New Course Proposal & Revision Forms Anonymous (not verified) Tue, 09/11/2018 - 00:00 Tags: Curriculum & Catalog Fall 2018 Academic Scheduling

Just in time for Fall 2019 course planning, we're excited to announce the upcoming launch of our new online Course Proposal and Course Revision Forms (links will be provided next week).

To make sure you're comfortable with the new forms, we're offering introductory support sessions starting later this week (see below) and will continue to accept the paper forms through Sept. 30.

These new online Course Proposal and Revision Forms make the entire process more efficient, transparent and collaborative by:

  1. Allowing the submitter to upload comments and supporting documentation for the approvers. 
  2. Checking for errors as the submitter completes the form, helping to keep typos from derailing the submission.
  3. Identifying every catalog page on which the course appears, alerting the submitter to potential down-stream effects. (Key departments receive an FYI notification when course changes are submitted.)
  4. Sending reviewers and approvers automated reminders to keep the process moving.
  5. Allowing the submitter to track the form's status as it moves through the review and approval process.

The online Course Proposal and Revision Forms are pretty intuitive and have many of the same fields and request similar data as the previous PDF forms. We're initially offering the following in-person support sessions:

  • Thursday, Sept. 13, 1:30–2:30 p.m., Regent 1B60 (lower level)
  • Thursday, Sept. 13, 3–4 p.m., Regent 1B60 (lower level)
  • Friday, Sept. 14, 8:30–9:30 a.m., Regent 1B60 (lower level)

Seating is limited, so please . Proposal approvers, including department chairs, will be invited to a separate session later this month.

Just in time for Fall 2019 course planning, we’re excited to announce the launch of our new online Course Proposal and Course Revision Forms. We'll continue to accept paper forms through Sept. 30.


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Tue, 11 Sep 2018 06:00:00 +0000 Anonymous 1969 at /registrar
Privacy Reminder: Accessing Your Personal Information /registrar/2018/08/22/accessing-personal-info Privacy Reminder: Accessing Your Personal Information Anonymous (not verified) Wed, 08/22/2018 - 00:00 Tags: Fall 2018 Records & Privacy Student Announcements

The university is committed to protecting your personal information and providing you with options for limiting or expanding access to your information.

Establish Your Personal Security Passphrase

When contacting CU staff by phone, over LiveChat or in person without a photo ID, you’ll need to provide your security passphrase so we can verify your identity.

To view or set your security passphrase:

  1. Log in to .

  2. On the Student tab, click to expand the Profile & Settings menu.

  3. Under Account Settings, click Manage Profile and Privacy.

  4. In the pop-up menu, click Security Passphrase.

  5. If you've already set your passphrase, it'll be displayed in the field near the bottom of the screen. If the field is blank, enter a passphrase and click Save.

Don't share your security passphrase with anyone. To give someone else access to your record, set up third-party access (below).

Grant Third-Party Access

To allow a third party (e.g., parent, partner or sponsor) to access your education records, complete one or both of the following authorizations.

  • FERPA Consent to Release: FERPA consent allows CU staff to discuss your education or financial records with your designated third party by phone, over LiveChat, by email or in person. We'll confirm their identity by asking them to provide the password you established for them.

  • CU Guest Access: Your designated third party can create an account and log in to the CU record system for read-only access to select items in your education record.

Elect Full Privacy

Your education record contains what's referred to as directory information, including your first and last name, dates of attendance and campus email address. While rare, if you want to restrict access to that information, visit our Full Privacy page to learn more. If you have questions about your security settings, please contact the Office of the Registrar.  Regards, Office of the Registrar ÌÒÉ«ÊÓƵ20 UCBBoulder, CO 80309registrar@colorado.eduPhone: 303-492-6970Fax: 303-492-8748Regent Administrative Center, room 101Follow us   The university is committed to protecting your personal information and providing you with options for limiting or expanding access to your information: establish your personal security passphrase, grant third-party access and/or elect full privacy.


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Wed, 22 Aug 2018 06:00:00 +0000 Anonymous 1788 at /registrar
Fall 2018 Registration Update /registrar/2018/06/25/fall-2018-registration-update Fall 2018 Registration Update Anonymous (not verified) Mon, 06/25/2018 - 00:00 Tags: Enrollment Processing Faculty & Staff Announcements Fall 2018 Registrar Network

1. Batch Pre-Registration for New Freshmen – The batch preregistration for new freshmen for fall has been completed. RAPs and others will begin making some adjustments to students' schedules this week. 

2. Drop/Add Access for Fall Semester

- Admin users now have drop/add access again for fall. Note, however, that only advisors, RAPS, SASC, etc., have access to override a fall enrollment appointment during the summer (see screenshot below). This is so they can help new students with registration as needed. Please remember when enrolling students in fall undergraduate classes, you should only be doing this for incoming freshmen or transfers (or graduate students in a graduate class). You should NOT be enrolling or making schedule changes for continuing undergrad or readmitted students as the spaces currently available in classes are reserved for incoming students. And please do not submit special action forms to enroll continuing undergraduate students in undergraduate classes through August 10th as they will not be processed.

- In addition students are NOT able to waitlist for any undergraduate classes through August 10 and from August 20–23 (and so advisors and others, including those in the registrar's office, are also not able to waitlist a student in undergraduate classes).

3. Registration for transfers and summer-to-fall students – Just a reminder that these students will have access to fall registration again beginning July 9 (through August 23). Their fall enrollment appointments have been updated to reflect this.

4. New and readmitted graduate and Law students continue to have access to fall registration through August 23.

5.Registration for continuing students – Just a reminder that continuing undergraduate and graduate students as well as readmitted undergraduate students are not able to register or make any changes to their schedule until August 13–17 (and they’ve been assigned an August 13–17 enrollment appointment to reflect this). Also between now and August 13, we are not running any waitlist processing to enroll students into open spaces in courses above the waitlist.

6. Reserve Capacities – We save seats in most A&S lower division general education classes, as well as a few Engineering classes, and then release a percentage of those seats prior to each new freshman enrollment period beginning July 9.  You should NOT override a closed class even though there may be seats in the class because they're being held for a future new freshman enrollment period. 

We reserve seats using "reserve capacities" (Curriculum Management > Schedule of Classes > Maintain Schedule of Classes). Following are some screen shots of how this looks in Campus Solutions (for illustration purposes only, not live data in CS).

In the example below, on the Enrollment Cntrl tab, enrollment cap = 28 and total enrolled = 3. So there are 25 spaces in the class.

On the Reserve Cap tab, 20 spaces are being held for future new freshman enrollment periods. So those registering during the next enrollment period would be able to enroll in the 5 spaces that are currently available:

Enrollment cap (28) less number of students enrolled (3) less the reserve cap (20) = 5 spaces currently available for enrollment.


  • For classes with multiple components (lecture with associated recitation or lab for example), reserve capacities can only be entered on the lecture section (or the graded section) of the class.
  • When the number of reserved spaces (those saved for a future enrollment window) is equal to the number of available spaces, then the status on the class will show as "Closed" in class search. Also since the reserve capacity can only be set on the lecture section (or graded section) of a multiple component class, recitations and labs may show with a status of "Open" but the lecture section will show with a status of "Closed" in class search.
Administrative information about batch preregistration for new freshmen, drop/add access for fall semester, registration for continuing students, transfers, summer-to-fall students and new and readmitted graduate and law students, and reserve capacities.


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Mon, 25 Jun 2018 06:00:00 +0000 Anonymous 1920 at /registrar