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Laura Howard - Worth Hearing Center

Where are you placed this year?
Laura Howard fourth year AuD student

I am currently placed at Worth Hearing Center, which is a private practice in Albuquerque, NM. I love it here!

Describe your "typical" day (or lack of "typical" day)

A typical day for me means a variety of things. I do hearing evaluations for people scheduled to see ENT, hearing aid appointments (consultations, fittings, adjustments, problems, clean and checks, etc.), cerumen removal (my new favorite thing!), and I've recently started doing more VNG appointments a few days per week.

What's something important that you've learned at your placement so far?

Something that I've learned in my externship so far is that while being knowledgeable about hearing aids and being able to answer questions that patients have is important, being able to connect with your patients have is important, being able to connect with your patients have is important, being able to connect with your patients on a personal level is really what makes the differences. Also, if you don't know the answer to a question- it's okay! Patients really appreciate transparency, especially when their clinician is a student. Your time in the AuD program goes by incredibly fast, including the externship year, so soak up everything that you can and don't be afraid to make mistakes. Feel Free to contact me anytime about anything - I'm always happy to chat! 

Email: laura.howard@colorado.eduÂ