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Professional development opportunities from Student Affairs

°Õ³ó±ðÌýDivision of Student Affairs invites faculty and staff to register for upcoming professionalÌýand teamÌýdevelopment opportunities this spring.

Employees in a professional development workshop
Professional development

Mental Health First Aid

Just as CPR training helps a personÌýassistÌýan individual following a heart attack, Mental Health First Aid training helps a person assist someone experiencing a mental health crisis,Ìýsuch as contemplating suicide. 

LearnÌýa five-step strategy that includes assessing risk, respectfully listening to and supporting the individual in crisis, identifying appropriate professional help and other supports. There are half-day and full-day options for this training.

View upcoming training dates and register for Mental Health First Aid training.

Supporting Student Resiliency

°Õ³ó±ð  Supporting Student Resiliency series allows faculty and staff to develop skills in areas critical to student retention and success, with the opportunity to earn a non-degree certificate. Through these educational sessions, you will develop the following conversation skills and techniques to work with students on a range of topics:Ìý

  • Assisting students who’ve indicated a desire or need to make a change in their life.
  • Actively calming down an escalatedÌýperson, andÌýlearning when it’s time to get help instead of attempting de-escalation.
  • Engaging in conversation around substance abuse.
  • Responding and supporting someone who discloses a traumatic event.

Faculty and staff can attend any individual session, andÌýthose attending all six will receive a non-degree certificate.ÌýLearn more and register for Supporting Student Resiliency.


Are you interested in learning aboutÌýusingÌýCliftonStrengthsÌýin your professional role on campus? CliftonStrengthsÌýis a free tool that provides campusÌýcommunity members with the knowledge, skillsÌýand experiences to foster strengths-based conversations. Past participants have shared the following benefits of these sessions: 

  • ConnectingÌýwith other faculty and staff on campusÌýin an effort to learn more about resources, opportunities and best practices.
  • LearningÌýstrategies to effectively use Strengths to increase productivity, build collaborative relationships and enhance workplace communication.
  • Increasing theÌýability to be supportive and encouraging of others, while also thinking about the big picture.
  • DevelopingÌýskills and knowledge to be a more intentional supervisor, colleagueÌýand campus community member.

View and register for upcoming CliftonStrengths professional development sessions.

Team development

Challenge Course Experience

Recreation Services’ÌýOutdoor ProgramÌýis excited to announce the launch of theÌýChallenge ExperienceÌýat the CU Rec Center.

Are you looking to improve communication and build trust with your team? With the Challenge Experience, facilitators guide groups through the course using a variety of low-to-the-ground elements that challenge even the strongest of teams.ÌýThrough a variety of games, puzzles and relays, groups willÌýwork together to build greater cohesion and increase productivity while exploring new techniques for effective leadership and interpersonal skills.

The Challenge Experience at the Rec is open to groups of 10 to 100, including staff and faculty, university departments and student organizations. For additional information and challenge course options,Ìývisit the Challenge Course Experience website.