Sustainable Places
ENVD StudentWork

Much ofCEDaR’swork, includingdesign and planning for urban redevelopment, place-making, and resource-efficient urbanism,fallsunder“sustainable places,” thecreation of vital, healthy and sustainable urban places.
CEDaR facultyhave worked with the American Public Health Association on development of a workshop at APHA's national conference; developed a new initiative in partnership with Colorado Creative Communities aroundassessment of creative districts; co-sponsored a workshop on urban design in small towns in conjunction with the Colorado Congress of New Urbanism and Mountain Lab; andhas supported a design/planning studio in Silverthorne, Colorado through Mountain Lab.
The CU-City Design Workshop was developedby CEDaRin 2016. The first year of the design workshop, 2016-2017,focusedonthe Alpine-Balsam initiative, a majorredevelopmenteffort bythe city of Boulder, centeredat asite previously occupied by Boulder Community Hospital. The goal of the 2016-2017 workshop was to create a baseline of knowledge and ideassupporting community dialogue around urban design and planning opportunitiesat the site and in nearby neighborhoods.
Partners: citiesof Silverthorne, Longmont, Boulder,Lyons; Colorado Creative Communities; and the American Public Health Association.
Other Sustainable Places Projects
- Alpine - Balsam Design Studio
- Park Hill Green Infrastructure Design Studio
- Ponderosa Mobile Home Design Studio
- Sustainable Communities Seminar
- Westwood Planning Studio; Alpine-Balsam Planning Issues Seminar
- Longmont Downtown Revitalization Studio
- Longmont St. Stephens Plaza Studio
- Boulder Dushanbe Teahouse Restoration Seminar
- Children’s Attitudes toward University Hill
- Design Futures Survey – University Hill
- Housing and Urban Design Options – University Hill
- Public Art and Community Engagement on University Hill
- Rethinking City Policy – University Hill; Sustainable Communities seminar
- Ponderosa/Manufactured Housing