Faculty Resourses


To make purchases please determine how it is being paid for first!

Paid for by your Grant speedtype account:

  • Make purchase using your own P-Card or;
  • Buy something on and apply the right speedtype.
  • Feel free to ask Shane for help.
  • Do this when something is common or does not need to be specially purchased. Examples would be audio/visual equipment, computers, or software.
  • Furniture can be bought at a steep discount from , or at a great expense brand new from one of the punchout furniture suppliers.

P-Card Reciepts

  • All p-card receipts should be routed through Shane, he will keep a copy of all your receipts
  • You will submit a P-Card form through this site: /asfacultystaff/content/fsc-procurement-card-purchase-receipt-form
  • Theresa Cominskey is the PSC tech and will reconcile all expense reports.
  • Appropriate reports should include:
    • Vendor Name
    • Date of purchase
    • Description and quantity of each item
    • Total cost and cost per item
    • Business purpose of purchase
    • Speedtype

Paid for by the department:

Contact the right staff member to make the purchase for you.

  • Rae Johnson - Digital Film equipment, computers, room renovations, Kage equipment for rental, faculty computer purchasing liasion​
  • Beau Walters - Analog gear and materials (Film, chemicals, hand scratch, leader, tape).
  • Jason Shoemaker - Videos for courses: DVD, Blu-ray, 8/16/35mm films, special collections
  • Kendra Nelson - Arranging events: non-curricular (Virgil’s, commencement, catering, space rentals etc.), books, office supplies, and miscellaneous.

If the equipment is to be paid for by a grant, supply the SpeedType to the staff member.

If equipment or supplies is for a course, please consult or CC Shane to determine the appropriate speedtype and so he’s aware of the expenses.

Required Trainings

All new CU employees are required to take the Discrimination and Sexual Misconduct training course within the first 30 days of employment.

The department also asks that you complete the FERPA training within the first 30 days. Additionally, you can take a training on Active Shooter Awareness, although it is not required.

To take the Discrimination and Sexual Misconduct training:

  • Log in to your myCU account.
  • Click on the CU Resources tab.
  • Click on the tile labeled SkillSoft and a new window will open.
  • Click the ɫƵ tab.
  • Click Students on the left-hand menu.
  • Scroll down to "CU: Discrimination and Sexual Misconduct - ɫƵ and System," and click Launch.
  • Complete the module and pass the quiz at the end.

To take the FERPA training:

  • Log in to your myCUinfo account.
  • Click on the CU Resources tab.
  • Click on the tile labeled SkillSoft and a new window will open.
  • Click the ɫƵ tab.
  • Click CU-SIS on the left-hand menu.
  • Find "CU: FERPA" on the list and click on Launch.
  • Complete the module and pass the quiz at the end

To take the Active Shooter Awareness training:

  • Log in to your myCUinfo account.
  • Click on the CU Resources tab.
  • Click on the tile labeled SkillSoft and a new window will open.
  • In the search box, type in Active Shooter Awareness
  • Click on Launch button next to “CU:Active Shooter Awareness”
  • Complete the module and pass the quiz at the end.

P-Card Required Training:

All Procurement Card and Managed Spend Card applicants are required to complete the following onlinecourses before an application will be processed.

To complete trainings:

  • Log in to your myCUinfo account.
  • Click on the CU Resources tab.
  • Click on the tile labeled SkillSoft Percepio and a new window will open.
  • In the search box, type in the following trainings:
  • Click on Launch button
  • Complete the module and pass the quiz at the end.

Travel Card Required Training:

Travel Card applicants must be approved by the department Fiscal Manager. Applicants should work with the financial and operations manager for verbal pre-approval. Once confirmed, the approver should be included on the Request in Concur and the system will route the application for approval accordingly. Travel card applicants can be either an employee or an affiliate fiscal staff.

For the request put UCB 316 as the mailing address. Find our physical address on cinema studies website;/cinemastudies/

Before a new Travel Card will be issued, the applicant must complete the following Skillsoft training courses including passing the course quizzes:

  • Log in to your myCUinfo account.
  • Click on the CU Resources tab.
  • Click on the tile labeled SkillSoft Percepio and a new window will open.
  • In the search box, type in the following trainings:
  • Click on Launch button
  • Complete the module and pass the quiz at the end.

You will be paid monthly on the last business day of the month.

See instructions if you want your check to be automatically deposited. If you have questions about payroll, please contact Shane Enzensperger.

P-Card Required Training:

All Procurement Card and Managed Spend Card applicants are required to complete the following onlinecourses before an application will be processed.

To complete trainings:

  • Log in to your myCUinfo account.
  • Click on the CU Resources tab.
  • Click on the tile labeled SkillSoft Percepio and a new window will open.
  • In the search box, type in the following trainings:
  • Click on Launch button
  • Complete the module and pass the quiz at the end.

Once trainings are complete, request a procurement card in Concur using the following steps:

  • Log in to your myCUinfo account.
  • Click on the CU Resources tab.
  • Click on the tile labeled "Concur Travel & Expense System" and a new window will open.
  • Click on home in the top left corner, drop down to "Requests"
  • Click Create New Requests on right hand side
  • Under "Request type", pick "CU Procurement Card Services"
  • Request Name: Users name(First Last) New P Card
  • Request Date: Today's Date, must be a week day
  • Card Service Request: New Card Request - Procurement Card
  • Default Speedtype: Main research account, ask Shane if you don't know
  • Submit by hitting "Create Request"

Expect about a 45 day window before receiving the physical card in the mail.

Travel Card Required Training:

Travel Card applicants must be approved by the department Fiscal Manager. Applicants should work with the financial and operations manager for verbal pre-approval. Once confirmed, the approver should be included on the Request in Concur and the system will route the application for approval accordingly. Travel card applicants can be either an employee or an affiliate fiscal staff.

For the request put UCB 316 as the mailing address. Find our physical address on cinema studies website;/cinemastudies/

Before a new Travel Card will be issued, the applicant must complete the following Skillsoft training courses including passing the course quizzes:

  • Log in to your myCUinfo account.
  • Click on the CU Resources tab.
  • Click on the tile labeled SkillSoft Percepio and a new window will open.
  • In the search box, type in the following trainings:
  • Click on Launch button
  • Complete the module and pass the quiz at the end.

Once trainings are complete, request a travel card in Concur using the following steps:

  • Log in to your myCUinfo account.
  • Click on the CU Resources tab.
  • Click on the tile labeled "Concur Travel & Expense System" and a new window will open.
  • Click on home in the top left corner, drop down to "Requests"
  • Click Create New Requests on right hand side
  • Under "Request type", pick "CU Travel Card Services"
  • Request Name: Users name(First Last) New Travel Card
  • Request Date: Today's Date, must be a week day
  • Card Service Request: New Card Request - Travel Card
  • Default Speedtype: Main research account, ask Shane if you don't know
  • Submit by hitting "Create Request"

Expect about a 45 day window before receiving the physical card in the mail.