Day 1: Impacts
The Impacts of Climate Change on Human Rights
The Impacts of Climate Change on Human Rights
Friday, December 2, 2022
The first day of the global climate summit framed climate change within the context of human rights: how all people, especiallypeople and populations in vulnerable situations, are experiencingthe most extreme effects of climate change, resulting in loss of land, livelihood and universal human rights.
Learn about the summit’sWatch Globally, Engage Locally Panel Series—six national and community-focused sessions.
Sheila Watt-Cloutier
Keynote Speaker

As a global advocate for Indigenous rights and health, Watt-Cloutier shared her insight and experience as an Indigenous leader and the impact of climate change on human rights.
In Their Own Words
Five summit panelists share their take on climate change and human rights.
Across the Globe
People around the world share how climate change has impacted their communities.