- Congratulations to Nakul Sridhar for his successful final defense and his new job at Raytheon. We wish him a bright future!
- Congratulations to Apresio Kefin Fajrial for his successful final defense and his new job at Intel. We wish him a bright future!
- Welcome Sen Gao and Sunwoo Sohn join us as PhD students!
- Yu Gao, Nakul and Kefin will present their work in MicroTAS 2023 in Poland! Enjoy the trip.Â
- Congratulations to the NSF STC Award on New Frontiers of Sound, we are fortunate and proud to be part of it! (/today/2023/09/07/cu-boulder-will-help-explore-new-frontiers-sound-through-30m-center?utm_campaign=research_news&utm_source=organic_social_chancellor&utm_medium=li&utm_content=new_center_for_sound_09082023&utm_term=)Â
- Congratulations to Nakul and Kefin for their work published in Science Advances!
- Welcome Dr. Farooq to join us as a postdoctoral associate!
- Congratulations to Nakul and Dr. Ding for their Colorado Lab Venture Challenge 2022 Award to commercialize the Biotechnologies innovated in our own lab! (/venturepartners/2022/11/07/internal-news/cu-boulder-innovators-awarded-125-million-commercialization-funding)
- Congratulations to Nakul for their work published in Lab on a Chip!
- Congratulations to Yu Gao and Kun Liu for their work published in Nano Letters!
- Congratulations to Funda for her Teets Family Endowed Doctoral Fellowship!
- Welcome Leyla Akh to join us as PhD students!
- Funda Kus was selected to receive the Singh Graduate Fellowship. Cheers!
- Congratulations to Dr. Ding for being selected to receive the prestigious Penn State 2022 Graduate School Alumni Society Early Career Award From Penn State Provost Nicholas P. Jones. ""
- Congratulations to Gazendra Shakya for his paper published in Nature Communication!
- Congratulations to Kieran Fung for his paper published in Journal of Membrane Science Letter!
- Congrats to Ian Elliott for officially being a PhD student!
- Congratulations to Gazendra Shakya for his successful PhD defense and his new job in ETH! We are wishing him well for his future career!
- Congratulations to Kefin for his paper published in Lab On a Chip!
- Welcome Funda Kus, Kun Liu, and Meiou Song to join us as PhD students, and Ian Elliott as the research assistant!
- Welcome Sean Spindler and Daniel Rivkin who join our lab as undergraduate researchers!
- I am thrilled to announce the exciting news that Dr. Ding was selected to receive the NIH MIRAÂ Award R35Â for Early Stage Investigator from NIH NIGMSÂ to support our research! (/mechanical/2021/07/28/ding-lab-aims-improve-cancer-fighting-immunotherapies-18m-grant)
- ​Dr. Ding was selected to receive the Bruce S. Anderson Engineering Faculty Fellow Award at CU!Â
- ​Kefin Fajrial was selected to receive the Singh Graduate Fellowship, a sweet Christmas gift, Cheers!
- Gazendra Shakya was selected to receive the Thomas & Brenda GEERS Graduate Fellowship, a sweet Christmas gift, Cheers!
- Congratulations to Kefin and Kun for their work published in Analytical Chemistry highlighted as front cover story.
- (
- /engineering/2020/12/08/research-shows-potential-universal-and-efficient-way-explore-cell-mechanics
- Dr. Ding was selected as Colorado Lab Venture Challenge 2020 winners to commercialize the Biotechnologies innovated in our own lab! (/venturepartners/2020/11/23/lab-venture-challenge-awards-record-breaking-135-million-promising-cu-boulder-ventures)
- Congratulations to Yu for the review paper accepted in Biomaterials Science and highlighted as back cover story. (
- Dr. Ding was selected as Biomaterials Science Emerging Investigators 2021!
- /engineering/2021/01/05/mechanical-researchers-featured-biomaterials-science
- Our recent findings were highlighted by
- PhysOrg,
- ​M±ð»å²µ²¹»å²µ±ð³Ù,Ìý³ó³Ù³Ù±è²õ://·É·É·É.³¾±ð»å²µ²¹»å²µ±ð³Ù.³¦´Ç³¾/2020/10/³Ü±ô³Ù°ù²¹²õ´Ç³Ü²Ô»å-»å±ð±¹¾±³¦±ð-³Ù´Ç-°ù²¹±è¾±»å±ô²â-»å¾±²¹²µ²Ô´Ç²õ±ð-²õ¾±³¦°ì±ô±ð-³¦±ð±ô±ô-»å¾±²õ±ð²¹²õ±ð.³ó³Ù³¾±ô
- Tech Genez,
- Eurekalert,
- Medical Dialogues,
- News BREAK,Â
- News medical,
- MedIndia,
- Brightsurf,
- Technologynetwork,
- alkhaleejtoday,
- Congratulations to Kefin for his Teets Family Endowed Doctoral Fellowship!
- Congratulations to our recently accepted paper to Small as Front Cover story (, Excellent Job, Yonghui and Yu Gao!
- Congratulations! Our paper was accepted to Theranostics, Excellent Job, Kefin!
- Congratulations! Our paper was accepted to Science Advances, Excellent Job, Gazendra!
- Dr. Ding was selected to receive the prestigious W.M. Keck Foundation Medical Research Grant Award, Congratulations! (/engineering/2020/02/06/keck-funded-research-offers-new-tool-understand-cells-better)
- Congratulations to Dr. Ding for his RIO Seed Grant Award.
- Congratulations to Dr. Ding for his CCTSI Novel Method Development Pilot Award.
- Congratulations to Yonghui Ding for his new position as a research faculty at Northwestern University, wish you a bright future!
- Congratulations to Kun Liu for her admission to UIUC.
- Welcome Adam Vega to join our lab as undergraduate researcher.
- Congratulations to Kefin Fajrial for his paper accepted to the journal of Nanotechnology (Nanotechnology 30 (26), 264002).
- Congratulations! Our paper was accepted to the journal of Micromachines (Micromachines 10 (12), 839).
- Welcome new PhD student Nakul Sridhar to join our Biomedical Microfluidics Lab!
- Welcome Dr. Yonghui Ding and Dr. Yu Gao to join us as Postdoc researchers!
- Welcome Kun Liu to join us as Undergraduate researcher!
- Dr. Ding was invited to give a talk at the 2nd World Congress on Electroporation and Pulsed Electric Fields in Biology, Medicine and Food & Environmental Technologies in Norfolk, VA, on September 25, 2017.
- Dr. Ding was invited to give a lecture presentation at the 174th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America in New Orleans, Louisiana on December 6, 2017.
- Welcome to the new PhD students in the Biomedical Microfluidics Lab, Gazendra, Mike, Varun, and Kefin!
- Congratulations to the opening of Dr. Ding's Biomedical Microfluidics Lab in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, ÌÒÉ«ÊÓƵ. (2017)
- Congratulations to our publication in Nature Biomedical Engineering (Xiaoyun Ding, Martin P Stewart, Armon Sharei, James Weaver, Robert Langer, Klavs F Jensen, , Nature Biomedical Engineering, 0039 (2017))
Congratulations to our publication in Nature (Martin P Stewart, Armon Sharei, Xiaoyun Ding, Gaurav Sahay, Robert Langer, Klavs F Jensen, , Nature 538 (7624), 183-192 (2016))