Assign Add or Drop Permissions

In Campus Solutions, departments may override a class-specific enrollment condition (e.g., requisite, closed class, consent required) to allow a student to add or drop a class themselves, rather than having the department enroll the student and enter the overrides through Quick Enroll.

Add Permissions

Departments and advisors may enter a permission to allow a studentÌýto:

  • Enroll themselves in a classÌýby overriding a closed class, requisite or consent required status.
  • Waitlist for a closed class by overriding a requisite. This permission stays with the student, so when the waitlist process runs in Campus Solutions, the system will see the permission to override the requisite and enroll the student from the waitlist if/when an opening occurs in the class.

Permissions may be entered anytime between when the class is scheduledÌýand the studentÌýadd or dropÌýdeadline.

Using Add Permissions

To assign add permissions:

  1. Navigate to the "Class Permissions"Ìýcomponent (Records andÌýEnrollment > Term Processing > Class Permissions > Class Permissions).
  2. Enter the course information.
  3. On the "Permission to Add" tab:
    1. ClickÌýthe right arrow until you findÌýthe correct class section (class sections are not always in chronological order).
    2. In the "Class Section Data" section, make sure the "Student Specific Permissions" box is checked (see "Processing Notes" section below).
    3. In the "Defaults" section, check the boxes to select one or more overrides: closed class, requisites not met, consent required or career restriction. ÌÒÉ«ÊÓƵ doesn't use the "Permission Time Period" override/permission,Ìýso checking that box will have no effect on the student.
    4. In the "Class Permission Data" section, enter the student ID to have the selected permissions in the "Defaults" sectionÌýcarry forward to that student.
    5. The expiration dateÌýdefaults to the last day of the term at 11:59 p.m., but the system will honorÌýthe term's add and drop deadlines regardless.
    6. To grant permissions to another student, click the plus symbol to add aÌýrow and enter a new student ID.
    7. When you're finished, click "Save."Ìý

The system will automatically recognize the permission and allow the student to enroll.ÌýThe student can't see when their permissionÌýexpires, so you'll need to communicate that date to them.

To make changes to the permissions you originally selected for a student:

  1. Navigate to the "Class Permissions"Ìýcomponent (Records andÌýEnrollment > Term Processing > Class Permissions > Class Permissions).
  2. Enter the course information.
  3. On the "Permission to Add" tab:
    1. ClickÌýthe right arrow until you findÌýthe correct class section (class sections are not always in chronological order)
    2. In the "Class Permission Data" section, click the "Permission" tab.
    3. Edit the permissions as needed.

Permission Effects

If you enter a permission to override a requisite and there's a corequisite involved, the student will be able to enroll in the class without the corequisite. In addition, since the permission for the class stays with the student, they'll also be able to drop the class without dropping the corequisite if enrolled in both.

Permissions apply to the specified enrollment section only; however, they also apply to nonenrollment sections (e.g., associated labs or recitations). So if you enter a permission to override a closed lecture section, the student will be able to enroll in any associated non-enrollment component, even if it's closed.

If permission is entered to override a requisite:

  • The PERC roster shows "Permitted" for "Enrollment Req Status" and "Post Enrollment Req Status."
  • You can't select this student to drop on the PERC roster under "Drop/Approved Indicator."

Just as in Quick Enroll, closed class permissions do override room capacity. Please check room capacity before entering this type of permission.

Frequently Asked Questions

The system will automatically enroll the student from the waitlist when a seat becomes available if:

  • You enter a permission to override the requisite or consent required, but not the enrollment limit, for a closed class. (This doesn't happen if you waitlist a student in Quick Enroll.)
  • YouÌýenter a permission and then waitlist the student in Quick Enroll.
  • You enter a permission after the student has waitlisted for the class.

There are several potential reasons, so start by confirming that all of the following statements areÌýtrue:

  1. You're on anÌýenrollment section.ÌýIn the "Permission to Add" tab'sÌý"Class Section Data" section,Ìýthe class type should be "Enrollment Section." You can't assign student-specific permissions for non-enrollment sections.
  2. The "Student Specific Permissions" checkbox is checked. This is carried over fromÌý"Maintain Schedule of Classes" for that class.
  3. The section hasn't been canceled.ÌýIf you enter a student ID on a canceled class section, the permission will remain "Not Used,"Ìýbecause the student can't enroll in a canceled section.
  4. The student is eligible to enroll. If you enter a student ID for a student who is not eligible to enroll (e.g., is not active, has not been term activated, etc.), the status on the permission will remain "Not Used."
  5. The student doesn't have a status other than "Not Used."

There is currently no way to audit which user entered a permission for a student or on what date; we’re working with UIS to create an audit behind this component. Just as any campus user with drop/add access can override a requisite or closed course to enroll a student in your course, any of those users can also enter a student-specific permission for one of your courses.

Drop Permissions

Departments/advisors may enter a permission to allow a student to drop a specific class that has a corequisite or is set up with drop-consent required. To do so:

  1. Navigate to the Class Permissions component (Records & Enrollment > Term Processing > Class Permissions > Class Permissions).
  2. Enter the course information.
  3. On the Permission to Drop tab, find the row with the enrollment section of the class you're looking for before you enter the student ID. Class sections are not always in chronological order on this component.
  4. Under the Defaults section, check the boxes for only those items you want to override. Permission Time Period isn't used on this campus, so checking that box has no effect on the student.
  5. Under the Class Permission Data section, enter the student ID. The selected permissions in the Defaults section will carry forward to that student. The Expiration Date field defaults to the last day of the term, but the system still honors that term's add and drop deadlines.
    • To grant permissions to another student, click the plus symbol to add a new row.
    • To make changes to the permissions you originally selected for a student, click the Permission tab.
  6. When you're finished, click Save.
  7. Once the permission is entered, the student can drop the class through the postedÌýdrop deadline. Drops that occur after the deadline to drop without a W grade still result in a W grade.
  • Permissions function in accordance with drop deadlines.
    • If you give a student a permission to drop prior to the deadline to drop without a W grade, but the student waits until after that deadline to drop the class, they'll receive a W grade.
    • If you give a student a permission to drop prior to theÌýdrop deadline, but the student waits until after that deadline, they won't be able to drop the class themselvesÌýand must instead go through the dean's office petition process.
  • If you're giving permission for a student to drop a class that has an associated (linked) non-enrollment component, like a recitation or lab, you only need to enter the permission to drop on the enrollment component (usually the lecture section); the non-enrollment component will be dropped automatically when the student drops the enrollment component.
  • You can ignore the Expiration Date on the permission. This field defaults to the last day of the term; however, students can't drop a class themselves after the last day to drop a classÌý(i.e., the 10th Friday of classes in fall or spring; the deadline varies for summer sessions).