
The calls both for substantial new investment in quantum science and engineering research and for linking that research to technologies that industry can adopt, refine, and turn into goods and services of benefit to the Nation. Industry also appears in the Strategic Overview as a growing employer of student graduates trained in quantum science and engineering. Q-SEnSE seeks to substantively engage with companies for both those purposes.
As Reseach Sponsors and Partners
One of the most direct links between universities and Industry is through sponsorship of research projects of particular mutual interest. The corporate sponsor has substantial influence on the objectives of these projects, can receive periodic progress updates, can negotiate preferred access to resulting intellectual property, and has an opportunity to become familiar with the research assistants who might soon be entering professional employment in the field of the project or a closely related field.
As Intern Hosts
One component of the Q-SEnSE plan to train students in quantum science and engineering preparatory to industry careers is the Research Exchange Marketplace, which will match advanced science and engineering undergraduates with internships and summer lab experiences in Partner National Labs and in companies interested in serving as hosts. Interested companies should use the Contact link below to explore this opportunity.
As External Advisors
Our External Advisory Committee comprises both quantum experts from universities and senior managers and scientists at companies that have established a presence in quantum information science or are intending to soon do so.